�Are you serious?�To be clear, you can�t be Mayton.�That person looks cold on the outside, but has a very delicate delicacy inside.�
Seriel pointed and continued.
�It�s not like your dark heart!��The bookstore owner laughed.
�Are you fighting because of ?Primal Eulgami??�Well, there are a lot of couples like that.�You seem to be a fan, why don�t you go to the square?�I heard that the writer came today.�
Seriel�s head turned quickly.
�yes?�Are you a Sirius writer?�
�okay.�It looks like they go around Tormia every holiday to sign autographs.�Maybe it should start by now���
�thank you!�
As Seriel left the bookstore with a book, Fermi hurriedly followed and asked.
�hey!�rice is?�
�Rice is the problem now!�Hurry up and follow me!�
When we arrived at the plaza, people were standing in a line under a tall banner.
Most were women and varied in age.
�Really?�Sirius, the author of ?Primitive Eulgami?.�Commemorating the publication of the sequel.�
After reading the words on the banner, Seriel held the book in her arms and stomped her feet.
�How to!�I�m so nervous!�What kind of person will it be?�It must be a cold impression.�The atmosphere would be over.�Sirius, don�t you feel that way from your pen name?�
�There he is.�
At the table Fermi pointed to, a man with a huge body was sitting.
�What hairy man?�
A man with a black beard who seemed far from romantic was signing autographs.
said Fermi, holding back a laugh.
�Is it Mayton�s reincarnation?�
Seriel, who had been glaring with her mouth firmly closed, took a deep breath and stood in line.
�are you okay.�Because the power of a writer comes from writing.�He must have a delicate personality.�
Time was delayed as Sirius continued his conversation with a female reader.
�Look, am I right?�
It was Seriel, who had a lot of strength on her shoulders, but after a while, something happened that made her feel ashamed.
When the couple came to get their autograph, Sirius didn�t even make eye contact.
�Writer, if you write down my name��� JrNovels.com