Lu Dongming said to his wife: "Uncle Zhou has given us so many things. When we get back, please ask someone to send them something too."
No matter how you say it, Yangyang is your biological father and grandpa.
He has already embraced the beauty and got Zhou Honglin's biological son. Yangyang will live with him from now on. Even if he does not change his name as his father, I believe that in Yangyang's heart, he is also his father.
Lu Dongming was much more generous.
Hai Ling hummed.
When she sent Yangyang here, she was not so prepared because she was worried that she would meet Zhou Hongying and have everything taken away by Zhou Hongying.
My eldest aunt used to have such a temper that even if she couldn't take everything away at once, she would come over the next day and continue moving.
"Let's go home."
Hai Ling pushed Lu Dongming away, and Yangyang followed with Xiao Ding's suitcase.
The family of three was talking and laughing.
After getting in the car, Lu Dongming asked Yangyang: "Does Yangyang want to stay at Auntie's house?"
"Yes, I miss my aunt and uncle too."
"I also want Auntie's house and Auntie Shen's house."
Hai Tong and Shen Xiaojun: The boy still has a conscience. He knows that he misses them and it is not in vain for them to hurt him.
Lu Dongming said dotingly: "Take the things home, and we will have dinner at your aunt's house. Your aunt's house is lively."
He then said to Hai Ling: "Except for Lao Liu, Zhan Yin's brothers are all back. It's very lively. We will have a lively party later. There are also my parents. They also said they want to have a lively party."
The Lu Family Villa is not as big as the Youyou Villa.
Mrs. Lu wanted to visit the Youyou Villa with her son and his family.
Anyway, during the Chinese New Year, people sit around in one house or another, eating, drinking, and playing cards, so that young people can relax their nerves.
After the third day of the Lunar New Year, young people in the Zhan family will probably go out to play, drive locally, or fly to other places.
They all use their annual leave to relax.
If the old lady hadn't asked them to celebrate the New Year at home and accompany their elders until the third day of the Lunar New Year, they might have all flown away years ago.
Haitong can't fly and she has a big belly. Zhan Yin is not satisfied even if she drives locally.