Chapter: 1037

Lin Mo turned around and walked to the table, took out a small jar, and put it on the table.

Inside the jar, there is a thumb-sized meat insect, extremely fat, just like a normal cabbage insect.

"This is a Miaojiang Gu, named Tracking Gu."

"This kind of gu is also a kind of child-mother gu, molecular gu and mother gu."

"What you see now is Mother Gu."

"The mother Gu can sense the position of the child Gu. The direction of its head is always the direction where the child Gu is!"

Lin Mo said softly.

Fang Wude's expression was a little shocked, he knew the Miaojiang Gu Clan.

Moreover, he had seen Master Sangzhuo's methods with his own eyes, and he was very clear about the capabilities of the Miaojiang Gu Clan.

Seriously, when he saw Gu worms, there was a psychological shadow.

This kind of thing is really terrifying to ordinary people!

Liu Tianxiang was surprised: "Miaojiang Gu Clan?"

"Does this race really exist?"

"I have heard from the elders of the family. It is said that it is a particularly mysterious race that only exists in the Hundred Thousand Mountains of Miao Frontiers and will not go out of the mountains."

Lin Mo smiled and said, "Now, not only have they come out of the mountain, but also many people have entered Guangyang City!"

"Patriarch Fang knows this best!"

Fang Wude looked embarrassed and said briefly what happened to Master Sangzhuo before.

Liu Tianxiang's expression changed slightly after listening.

He looked at Lin Mo: "Mr. Lin, what do you mean by taking out this Gu worm?"

"Do you think that my family is also in collusion with the Miaojiang Gu Clan?"

Lin Mo whispered: "It's not your home, it's Liu Tianyou!"

"Liu Tianzuo's death was also caused by him!"

A light flashed in Liu Tianxiang's eyes: "Do you have evidence?"

Lin Mo chuckled, "Of course I have evidence."

"The problem is that you can't accept these evidences."

"However, I can prove this in other ways!"

Liu Tianxiang immediately said: "How to prove?"

Lin Mo pointed to Tracking Gu: "I previously caught a member of the Miaojiang Gu clan and put Zi Gu on her."

"I deliberately let her escape. Now, we can use Mother Gu to find the position of these Gu people."

"Liu Tianxiang, would you dare to meet these Gu people with me?"

Liu Tianxiang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Why don't you dare!"

Lin Mo nodded in satisfaction, took the wooden jar, and brought Liu Tianxiang downstairs.

Lin Mo didn't take other people, too. He drove Liu Tianxiang alone, following the direction the tracking Gu was pointing, all the way to the outskirts of the city.

As he hurried to the detached house, the movement of this tracking Gu was obviously larger.

Lin Mo stopped the car and looked at the detached house a few hundred meters away: "Mother Gu reacted so strongly, it should be here."

"In order not to stun the snake, we have to walk over."

Liu Tianxiang took a deep breath and opened the door to get out of the car, but was pulled by Lin Mo.

"You can't go straight like this."

"These are people from the Miaojiang Gu clan. I don't know how many Gu poisons there are around this courtyard."

"Get close at will, you don't even know how you died!"

Lin Mo said solemnly.

Liu Tianxiang's expression changed: "Is it so scary?"

Lin Mo curled his lips. If Fang Wude was here, he would definitely be more cautious than him.

"Hold this in your hand, it can protect you from all kinds of poison!"

Lin Mo took out a bead and handed it to Liu Tianxiang.

Liu Tianxiang was surprised: "This is a jade bead, is it so magical?"

Lin Mo didn't bother to explain, this jade bead was worn by Aman for more than ten days.

Aman has a magical physique, and all the poisons are ineffective against her.

This jade bead was worn by Aman for a period of time, and it can also resist some toxicity, but there is a time limit.

It can take up to a day, after which the effect will disappear, after all, it is just contaminated with some Aman's breath!