Chapter: 162

"I know, I know, he is Lu Chenxu, the president of the Lu Group." A girl said excitedly.

"Lu Chenxu? The school grass of our BGI, the male god in all girls' hearts?"

"Yes, yes, it is him. I have seen his interviews on the Internet."

"My God, what is Lu Chenxu doing in our school?"

Listening to the comments of the surrounding people, after many years, Mo Xiaodie was once again amazed by the charm of Lu Xiaocao.

Lu Chenxu walked directly behind her, naturally hugged her waist, with a look of concern: "Wife, who made you angry?"

After speaking, he looked at Li Fang and Wang Shuo.

Li Fang's whole person has been in the circle, she pointed to Lu Chenxu's incoherent words: "You, you, she, she, she is your wife?"

Lu Chenxu frowned, "Yes, what's wrong, is there a problem?"

There was another exclamation in the crowd.

"Oh my God, Lu Chenxu is already married."

"Yes, the woman who was scolded by Teacher Li just now turned out to be Mr. Lu's wife?"

"Hey, Mr. Lu's vision is too bad!"

"What's wrong, take a closer look, that woman is a famous designer Lan Xiao."

"Lan Xiao, it's true, it's really her."

"Then those words that Teacher Li scolded her just now?"

"Those words are definitely not true. You don't know who Teacher Li is. You enter the library through relationships, but every time I go to borrow books, she keeps a face, or she's just talking about other people. Gossip, how can you believe her words!"

"Mr. Lu and designer Lan Xiao, I want to take a picture and send it to Moments. This should be the most beautiful look of love." Someone took out his mobile phone and started taking pictures.

Mo Xiaodie deliberately took Lu Chenxu's hand: "Li Fang, for the sake of our old classmates, I don't care about what you just said. If there is another time, you and Wang Shuo don't even think about it. Hua Da is fucked up."

Wang Shuo quickly pulled Li Fang to apologize: "Xiaodie, President Lu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she is pregnant, and her mood is a little abnormal, don't mind!"

Li Fang was full of jealousy: "Mo Xiaodie, I didn't expect you to hide so deep, that you would marry President Lu. President Lu, you must not know, Mo Xiaodie was abducted and trafficked back then——"

Before she could finish her words, Wang Shuo quickly covered her mouth in fright: "I'm sorry, we are leaving first." Then he forcibly pulled Li Fang away.

What kind of person Lu Chenxu is, I'm afraid the entire Yucheng knows, if they offend him, they really don't want to mess around in China.

Looking at Wang Shuo, he is quite witty, Lu Chenxu has nothing to say, such a snobbish and vulgar person, he disdains to clean up.

"Why are you here?" Mo Xiaodie was a little strange. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but Lu Chenxu refused to let it go.

"I called you, but you didn't answer, so I asked Li Mingcheng, he said you might be in a small neighborhood, I drove to find you, and saw you on this bus, and then I followed."

"are you looking for me?"

Lu Chenxu suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged her, and his tender tone revealed his distress: "Xiaodie, let her pass the past. Don't have trouble with yourself, and don't care about other people's opinions. It's not your fault. From now on. After that, everything has me!"

His sudden hug and sincere confession that was different from the past instantly shattered the last line of defense in Mo Xiaodie's heart.

Perhaps Li Mingcheng is right. She should put aside the child, put aside the past, and not think about the future, and just have a relationship with Lu Xiaocao, leaving a good memory in her life.

Thinking of this, she whispered: "Mr. Lu, I'm hungry."

Lu Chenxu let go of her mysterious expression: "Go, I will take you to eat delicious food?"