Chapter: 1284

Ji Yanhan only chatted with the family members of the deceased for a few words, but the other party was full of crying and sorrowful voices.

After Ji Yanhan promised to give him a compensation, the crying of the family members weakened a bit.

"You are Zhang Cheng's younger brother, right? I heard that you invited your brother to have a drink last night, is that right?" The policeman who followed the case and immediately asked the man who had just yelled at him. The man was yelling a lot just now, but when he was suddenly questioned by the police, his face flashed with panic, and his voice dropped all of a sudden: "Yes, it's me, I just thought that my brother was too tired from working for several days, and I wanted to ask him to come out to relax, but I didn't expect... Brother, you're gone

What can I do? There are old and young, what do you want me to do! "

Before the man could speak clearly, he raised his head and howled, crying very sadly.

"Zhang An, don't cry. Since you were the only person who met the deceased yesterday, we will take you to the police station to make a statement!" The police comrades waited for him to finish howling, and immediately demanded in a business-like manner. "Me? Why are you arresting me? It's not me who pushed my brother down, you should arrest him, he is a bastard who makes black money..." The man's face turned pale with fright, and he immediately gave up. Then, seeing Ji Yanhan standing next to him and a large group of people behind him, he immediately slammed

Want to push the blame on him.

"President Ji also promised to cooperate with our work, and I hope you can also cooperate well." The policeman said with a serious face.

"I'm a family member of the victim. You can't arrest me. I won't go. I won't go anywhere. I want to keep watch for my brother. Don't come looking for me!" After the man named Zhang An finished speaking, he just sat on the ground and didn't intend to get up.

"If you continue to be so stubborn and prevent us from investigating the truth of the matter, we have no choice but to take measures against you." Several policemen exchanged glances and decided to forcefully take him away.

"I won't leave. My brother is dead. If you don't go find the murderer, why are you arresting me?" The man named Zhang An screamed in shock.

"Because we suspect that the deceased's death was related to his own drunkenness. At present, it is defined as suicide, but in order to give an explanation to the majority of business owners, we still need to find out the truth and take it away!"

Ji Yanhan also came out after the police left. Lu Qing said coldly: "Master, this man named Zhang An is very suspicious. He reflected so much just now. Is it really because his brother is overly sad because of his death?"

"Let the police investigate to see if he is suspected of being bought or sold!" Ji Yanhan ordered in a deep voice.

"Okay, I will tell the police, young master, you are injured, go to the hospital first!"

"No, I'll go back to the company!" After Ji Yanhan finished speaking, he got into the car, his forehead hurt, faintly sick.

"Go to Weiyi first!" Ji Yanhan ordered suddenly.

The car was not far away, Ji Yanhan took out his mobile phone, and dialed it to Tang Youyou, with a low voice, a little tired: "I'll be downstairs in your company in half an hour, come down, I want to see you!" Listening to his words, Tang Youyou froze for a moment, and then answered.

Tang Youyou could only hear the tiredness in Ji Yanhan's tone on the phone, but when she opened the car door and saw him, she was stunned. Then, she rushed to him in a hurry and asked anxiously: "What's wrong with your forehead? Why is it hurt?"

Ji Yanhan watched her reach out her hand, but froze in mid-air, as if she didn't dare to touch his wound, but she was extremely anxious and worried. This kind of emotion, written on her beautiful face, gave people a kind of indescribable peace of mind and warmth.

Lifting his big palm, he gently held her trembling little hand, gently pulled her into his arms, pressed her, pressed his thin lips against her forehead, and said softly: "It's okay, it's just a skin trauma."

"Who did it?" Tang Youyou's beautiful eyes were inexplicably sore. She knew that he must have been injured by others. Thinking of this, Tang Youyou's heart was clenched into a ball. Then, she said in a muffled voice: "Didn't you take the security guards out every day? How could you be injured by others?"

Ji Yanhan knew that she loved him very much, and it was her tenderness that made him feel that the wound on his forehead didn't hurt at all.

"It was the family members of the deceased who hit me with something out of anger, it's okay, it's okay!" Ji Yanhan told her truthfully, his tone sounded calm.

Hearing that the family members of the deceased were injured, Tang Youyou suddenly stopped talking, but two slender arms wrapped around the man's healthy waist, hugging her tightly, and her small face was also tightly attached.

"Does it hurt?" After a long time, the woman in his arms asked him softly again.

Ji Yanhan likes the feeling of being hugged so tightly by her, this feeling of being loved and cared by others is so good.

"It hurt just now, but it doesn't hurt now!" Ji Yanhan said with a smile, and his thin lips pressed against her fair forehead again.

Tang Youyou quickly sat up straight from his arms, and looked at his injured place seriously again.

"You ask the driver brother to find a pharmacy, and I'll buy you a Band-Aid. You can't go out like this and let people see it, and disinfect it!" Tang Youyou said seriously.