Chapter: 1981

What? "Lan Yanxi's brain was blank, only the words gunshot wound rolled back and forth in his mind. Deputy

The officer was so impatient that he had no choice but to say in a low voice: "Miss Lan, I've offended you!"

So, the adjutant reached out, grabbed Lan Yanxi's arm, and dragged her forward quickly. "

Those paintings..."

"Leave it alone!" The adjutant just wanted to ensure her safety, so he couldn't care less about the painting. Can

Lan Yanxi thought, those paintings were given to Ling Mofeng, and they belonged to him, so she wanted to protect them. blue

Yan Xi's mind was empty, his legs ran forward mechanically, his eyes were full of tears, he couldn't see the way ahead, so he could only follow the direction of the adjutant.

Yang He was far away, and when she saw a man running wildly holding Lan Yanxi's hand, she was shocked.

Look carefully, isn't that man one of Mr. Vice President's confidants?

Is he Lan Yanxi's fiance? Of

Lan Yanxi always felt that she was lying. She said that she came to work in the office for a man, but she always refused to tell which man it was. Now, she has confirmed with her own eyes that she is a celebrity next to the vice president. She has a bright future. It is no wonder that Lan Yanxi admires him so much.

Yang He felt that Lan Yanxi was a perfect match for this adjutant, and at the same time, he was secretly relieved. Just

When Cai Hao ran over, she was stopped by the staff and prevented her from running forward, so she fell back, but she was anxious and worried in her heart. The gunshots in this kind of place must have come while taking advantage of the vice president. What should I do? Is he hurt? Young

He's face turned pale with worry, but it's a pity that she can't ask about those things at all. She is just a small employee, and she doesn't even have the qualifications to care about the vice president. blue

Yan Xi sat in the car with cold hands and feet. She didn't know how she got into this car. She just felt her heart beating fast, her legs were a little numb, and the tears in her eyes never held back, falling down one by one. "

Is he hurt? Will it die? "Lan Yanxi covered her cheeks and asked the adjutant in fear.

The adjutant also had a stern face: "Miss Lan, don't worry, Mr. Vice President wears a bulletproof vest every day, and his life should not be in danger. I must escort you away now."

What about others, I have a few colleagues...""

Don't worry, no one will target them, they will be fine! The adjutant reassured her.

Lan Yanxi was so depressed that she lowered her head. She wondered if these people came here while taking advantage of her, but accidentally injured Ling Mofeng? "

Where will he go now? "Lan Yanxi especially wants to see Ling Mofeng at this time, and wants to know his situation.

"Miss Lan, I can't answer this for you. Mr. Vice President is definitely safe." The adjutant replied faithfully. "

Well, can you let me put him on the phone? " Lan Yanxi looked at him pleadingly.

The adjutant was also a little embarrassed. "

I just want to hear his voice and know he's still awake! " Lan Yanxi choked up.

The adjutant knew that Lan Yanxi was really worried, and he also wanted to know whether the vice president was well at the moment. When the gunshot sounded, he saw the blood left from the vice president's shoulder, and he was also shocked. But even if he was shot, he could calmly tell him to go to Lan Yanxi quickly and ensure her safety. This is an order.

"Okay, Miss Lan, I'll call him!" The adjutant knows that Lan Yanxi has a special affection for Mr. Vice President. The two people who love each other care about each other most at the moment. electricity

The call was connected, and it was Ling Mofeng's voice, which came from a deep voice: "Is she all right?"

"I'm fine, are you injured?" Ling Mofeng was slightly shocked when the crying voice came over. Ling

Mo Feng endured the pain, smiled and said: "I'm fine, why are you crying?""