Chapter: 2347

Suddenly, two sacks rolled down from a nearby hillside. The young driver, who was so focused on driving, thought it was a stone and was about to run over it, when he saw the opening of the sack opened, revealing two human heads. manage

Brother Ji was startled, and instinctively slammed on the brakes, and the two people in the sack also rolled, rolled out of the wheel, and narrowly escaped the catastrophe.

The driver brother in the car was still shaking while holding the steering wheel, and said in a trembling voice, "Vice President, two people were thrown from the mountain just now. I don't know if they were crushed. Let me get out of the car and take a look."

"This is bait!" Ling Mofeng said in a deep voice, his brows drooping. manage

Brother Ji was startled by his words, and turned his head to look at him in disbelief. "

Save people! "Knowing that it's a bait, Ling Mofeng couldn't just stand by. He immediately took the walkie-talkie and gave an order: "Be careful of an ambush. The vehicle ahead sends people down and drags those two people to the car to protect them. But we must also be careful of them. If it is not a bait but a criminal, we must not be soft-hearted, and we must not let them disrupt our plan from the inside." "forward

Fang Che immediately jumped off four people, and when they were about to drag the two sacks, suddenly, the people in the sacks suddenly shot, but fortunately, Ling Mofeng had expected in advance, as soon as their guns showed their heads, they were immediately hit by the guns of another group of people in the car, and both of them were injured in the arms.

Ling Mofeng stared at this scene with gloomy eyes, and took the walkie-talkie again to issue instructions: "Drag these two into the car, and keep alive!"

Just as they were about to drag those two people away, there was another gunshot from the dark forest on both sides, and the bullets flew into the two sacks. It was obvious that they were desperate and wanted to silence them, but it was too late. Someone took a shield to block the bullets, and quickly dragged the two people into the first car. right

Seeing that there were still alive people left behind, Fang became out of breath and took a gun to sweep around. Ling

The off-road vehicle that Mo Feng was riding in was modified, all of which were made of bulletproof glass, and the car body was also protected. Bullets hit the car body, but it only damaged the car body, but did not affect the car's forward movement.

The convoy started again, and some people had already jumped off the car and went to the mountain to fight with the criminals. and

At the same time, Cheng Yuan and Chu Lie, who drove over by car, also did the back-up work, and there was another fierce battle in a short while. Ling

Mo Feng's off-road vehicle quickly passed by. Fortunately, the whole car was covered with bullets, but he was not injured. He was just heartbroken. The old president actually set up many checkpoints for him. What kind of resentment is this? Ling

Although Mo Feng wanted to fight back with an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, and counterattack every trick he used to deal with him, but he felt that this kind of behavior was too despicable and shameless. He disdained such a struggle for power and profit. The people's hearts are clear, and what they want must be a hope worthy of their expectations. catch

The journey down was fairly smooth. When we arrived at the first rescue point, volunteer rescuers from all over the place gathered here. Some of them brought supplies and some medicines. For a moment, it was very moving. One side was in trouble and all sides supported. This is the power of the country and the hope of the nation.

Everyone looked at the Mr. Vice President who rushed over, and the soldiers who had been busy for several days without rest, and their morale was boosted. They felt that they were comforted by the hardships they had put in for them. With such a caring leader, they will definitely follow without hesitation.

Ling Mofeng experienced the cold and desolation of the North District. He wore a lot of clothes, but here, it was still so cold that his fingers were almost stiff.

It is conceivable how difficult the conditions here are and how difficult the rescue work is. Soldiers and medical staff are on the front line to save lives and heal the wounded, but some people sit in the high hall, but they have resentment in their hearts and cruelly hurt him.

Chu Lie and Cheng Yuan's cars also rushed over. Ling Mofeng learned that Chu Lie was injured. After finishing the meeting, he came to visit him immediately, and saw Cheng Yuan was there. He was a little surprised: "Cheng Yuan, why are you here?"

"Sir, please forgive me for coming here without invitation. Actually... I was worried about him, so I took the initiative to ask for help!" Cheng Yuan blushed a little, and looked at Chu Lie shyly.

Chu Lie was almost in a coma at the moment. Doctors and nurses were rushing to treat his wound and take out the bullet. His whole arm was immobilized and he was given anesthesia, but his consciousness was clear. Hearing Cheng Yuan's words, he suddenly felt that the shot was not in vain.

The way she anxiously called his name with tears in her eyes just now was deeply imprinted in Chu Lie's mind, and she will never forget it in her life.

"Of course I don't blame you. Chu Lie has such a good girlfriend like you. I'm happy for him." Ling Mofeng said with a smile, then walked to the operating table inside, and asked Chu Lie in a low voice: "How do you feel? Does it matter?"

Don't worry, sir, I'm destined to die, but you are not injured, right? I worry all the time. "Chu Lie looked at him with concern and asked.

"I'm fine. Fortunately, with your desperate protection, I have my life to stand here. You are the most heroic." Ling Mofeng thanked them loyally. A political reform will cause both blood and tears. Ling Mofeng only hopes that there will be less blood and tears, so that no one will be injured. "

Sir, I can't move now, let Cheng Yuan stay by your side for protection. "Chu Lie was still worried, and said to Cheng Yuan: "I don't need anyone to take care of me here, you stay with Mr. "

"Okay!" Cheng Yuan nodded immediately without thinking about it.

"No, you're injured, Cheng Yuan should be by your side, I'll find someone else." How could Ling Mofeng be willing to interrupt their two-person world. "

Sir, let me follow, our duty is to protect you, you must not get hurt. "Cheng Yuan begged immediately."