Soma stuck out his tongue then leaped to another branch.
Hwa Ok-gi also bounced away from the tree and pursued Soma.
Soma did not forget to launch his wheels while fleeing. The wheels that flew in succession cut off the tree branch where Hwa Ok-gi was supposed to land.
Unable to find a place to set foot, Hwa Ok-gi crashed to the ground. But he soon turned over, kicked off a nearby tree trunk, and soared back into the air.
Waiting for that moment, Soma launched his wheel again.
Chae Chae Chaeng!
The sword and the wheel collided violently in the air, cutting off the nearby tree branches.
Hwa Ok-gi�s face was full of killing intent as he wielded his sword.
Soma wasn�t afraid of Hwa Ok-gi.�
To him, who had been kidnapped by the Xiaoleiyin Temple and endured a hellish time, Hwa Ok-gi�s killing intent was not that big of a threat.
Soma repeatedly launched and retrieved his wheels.�
His whole body was drenched in sweat.
Mok Gahye looked at Soma with her hands clasped together. While she was worried that Soma would� be pushed back, she still believed in his capabilities.
It was then.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the forest.
Mok Gahye hurriedly looked in the direction where the wind was blowing.
In an instant, her eyes widened as if they would tear.
An old man with a brave impression like that of a lion was running towards them at a frightening speed.
A rough wind was blowing like a tidal wave from the formidable momentum that the old man radiated.
Trees in the path of the old man fell off, and the blades of grass were scattered in all directions.
Hwa Ok-gi and Soma belatedly noticed the old man�s appearance. They only perceived his presence once the old man had shortened the distance between them.
The old man ran towards the two at full speed.
Along with an explosion, Hwa Ok-gi and Soma�s bodies were thrown backwards.