Chapter: 1030
The young taoist laughed at the middle-aged taoist.

Drinking alcohol inside the Wudang sect is strictly prohibited. Even if a person was a long-time disciple, they can never drink alcohol inside the Wudang sect. However, if they were outside Mount Wudang, then drinking alcohol is allowed to some extent. s o u n d l e s s w i n d

The disciples were also human. Emphasizing abstinence too strictly could actually have the opposite effect. For that reason, alcohol is acceptable to a certain extent just to moisten the mouth. They were still discouraged from drinking too much.

The young taoist also aimed for that point so he set the bar as the meeting place.

�Who do you resemble to have such tastes?�

�I heard that master drank a lot when you were young, too.�

�Who said that?�

�Junior Uncle Wooil.�3

�He said something useless. I should shut his mouth right away.�

The middle-aged taoist clicked his tongue. His name is Woo Pyeong, and he is a great disciple of the Wudang faction. For the young taoist, his name is Tae Kwang. He is the direct disciple4 of Woo Pyeong.�

Tae Kwang was excited to leave Mount Wudang for the first time after a long while. Although his freedom in Mount Wudang was not particularly suppressed, the atmosphere outside still felt quite different from Mount Wudang. s.o.u.n.d.l.e.s.s.w.i.n.d.

And being able to drink alcohol like this as a bonus, couldn�t be any better.

Woo Pyeong looked at his student with a kind smile.

�Drink in moderation. Too much of something is as bad as too little. If you drink and get into an accident after drinking again this time, even this master can�t protect you.�

�Don�t worry. I�m just going to drink a little. Hehe!�

�Why did I accept a guy like you as a disciple only to suffer like this? Tsk!�

Woo Pyeong clicked his tongue.

The Wudang sect would usually accept young children as a third-generation disciple.5 They would then observe them for a long time to understand their qualities and character.

The Wudang sect would only accept a person with outstanding talents as the third-generation disciple, but in the case of Tae Kwang, he skipped that step.

While Woo Pyeong was traveling around Jianghu, he found a young child wandering alone after losing his parents to a plague.�

The child was Tae Kwang.

At that time, Tae Kwang was twelve years old.

Considering that other third-generation disciples usually enter Mount Wudang at the age of three or four, Tae Kwang entered at a very late age.�

Nonetheless, Woo Pyeong was willing to take Tae Kwang. It�s because he recognized Tae Kwang�s outstanding qualities.

In this way, Tae Kwang became a disciple of Woo Pyeong. With his outstanding talent in martial arts, he met Woo Pyeong�s expectations. However, he had one fatal flaw.�

He liked alcohol a little bit too much. s ou nd l es s w i nd

If he hadn�t learned to drink from a young age, he might have been able to control his drinking. But since he already knew the taste of alcohol when he was still young, he had no way of stopping it.

�Drink in moderation, okay?�

In the end, this was all Woo Pyeong could do.

After a while, the tavern owner brought a bottle of alcohol and a simple snack.�