Soma looked at the mercenaries for a while and then said to Pyo-wol,
�What is it?�
�Why do people drink alcohol? They would only suffer like that after drinking. I don�t understand.�
�Me too.�
It was something Pyo-wol couldn�t understand either.�
However, he did not have the heart to criticize the mercenaries.
This is because the choice to drink or not to drink was theirs, and it was up to them to endure the consequences.
Now the mercenaries were paying the price for drinking too much all night.
They were lucky that there was no immediate threat, but if someone attacked them at this time, they would have been completely annihilated.
After finishing the meal, Pyo-wol rose from his seat. Soma also stood up and said,
�You�re going to look around the city, right? I want to come with you.�
After spending quite a bit of time with Pyo-wol, Soma could now clearly see through Pyo-wol�s habits.
Pyo-wol nodded.
�So be it.�
Soma smiled after obtaining Pyo-wol�s permission.
Seol Hajin also stood up and said,
�I�ll go with you, too. I�m going to get drunk if I stay with these idiots.�
She shook her head and came closer to Pyo-wol.
The smell of alcohol was strong from the breath of the mercenaries who had been drinking until dawn. Just being with them makes her head hurt.�
�Hoo! I feel better now.�
When Seol Hajin came out of the inn, she breathed out. She also liked to drink, but she didn�t drink as much like the other mercenaries.
Suddenly, Soma said to Seol Hajin,
�Why don�t you leave those idiots?�
�I think sister would become a fool if you continue going around with those idiots.�
�But I feel comfortable with those idiots.�
�Because they�re ignorant, their thoughts are revealed on their faces. This way, I at least don�t have to worry about being stabbed in the back.�