�They never give up their possessions. As long as they breathe, they will give away nothing.�
�Then how did Soma get his freedom?�
�The dead cannot claim their possessions.�
In an instant, Woo Pyeong felt goosebumps rising all over his body.
What Pyo-wol said was clear.
It was indeed him who destroyed the Xiaoleiyin Temple.
�Oh my god! Is that really possible?�
A single person destroying such a huge force like the Xiaoleiyin Temple by himself?�
It was impossible even for Sangjin Jinin, the leader of the Wudang sect.�
Sangjin Jinin was a master at a level one share higher than Woo Pyeong, and was proficient in all of the Wudang sect�s martial arts. But even such a Sangjin Jinin would shake his head, saying it was impossible for him to deal with the Xiaoleiyin Temple alone.
Woo Pyeong�s face hardened like a stone.
Up until now, he had pretended to be somewhat relaxed, but he didn�t have the guts to do so anymore.
Only then did he understand why the man in front of him was called the reaper of Sichuan.
If he truly possessed the power to destroy the Xiaoleiyin Temple by himself, it wouldn�t be strange if he was nicknamed the god of death.
What�s more, he already had a history of bringing down the Emei and Qingcheng sect alone.�
It was an achievement that ordinary warriors could not dare to imagine.
�This kind of person came out of Jianghu? Is it because of Jin Geum-woo?�
Woo Pyeong closed his eyes tightly without realizing it.
There were many questionable aspects regarding Jin Geum-woo�s death.
If there was some kind of conspiracy involved behind Jin Geum-woo�s death, and if by chance Pyo-wol would find out about it� Just imagining it, terror struck him.
Woo Pyeong tried to regain his composure. However, it was already impossible once he learned about the true nature of Pyo-wol.�
Pyo-wol�s white and beautiful face no longer looked beautiful. He looked like a huge snake ready to eat him with its mouth wide open.
�So was it because of Soma that made you� exterminate the Xiaoleiyin Temple?�
�Soma is one of the reasons.�
�Is there any other reason?�
�Ask that when you meet Won Ga-yeong later.�
�Won Ga-young, you mean the Fairy Phantom Swordsman?�