�No matter what anyone says, you are definitely the Wudang Sect�s Number One Sword. But that doesn�t mean you can ignore my words..�
�Pardon? When did I?�
Sang-jin looked at Chongjin in surprise.
Chongjin continued with his characteristic benevolent smile.
�Your sense of selflessness has been the driving force behind your great development, making you earn your reputation as the Wudang sect�s Number One Sword. But at the same time, this caused your field of vision to narrow. You have forgotten how to look at things with a wide perspective. Think broadly, and learn to see through the nature of people. Appearances aren�t everything.�
Sang-jin didn�t say anything.
It was the first time that Chongjin had said such a thing to him after growing up.�
So it felt more heartbreaking.
�Go ahead. I�ll tell you the details after you catch her.�
�Okay. I�ll be sure to catch that assassin.�
�I trust you.�
Sang-jin answered and went outside.
The Wudang sect Seven Swords followed right behind him.
Chongjin�s eyes now turned to Gong-jin.
�Yes, senior brother!�
�You said that the first person to intimidate Soma was young master Jang of the Rain Mountain Manor, right?�
�That�s right.�
�If an assassin is striking west, then she must be at the east.�
�That�s too speculative��
�I�m very disappointed in you. It�s good that you took the time to celebrate my birthday, but it has caused so many problems. Furthermore, you still don�t know what you did wrong.�
�I�m sorry.�
�Look at the bigger picture. You can never break the mold just by looking at the fragmentary aspects. The assassin has already broken the mold and sees the big picture, so don�t underestimate her as simply as an assassin. Acknowledge her abilities. Only then can you develop.�
�Okay, senior brother!�
Gong-jin lowered his head and replied.
A shameful look flashed across his face.� JrNovels.com