Soma let out a scream and launched his wheels in succession. However, with just King Gujin�s light gesture, the wheels lost its strength and bounced off.
�Damn it!�
Soma gritted his teeth and retrieved the wheels. He then threw it again.
But the result was the same.
It was at that moment that a light of contempt appeared on King Gujin�s face.
�Why don�t you use that sword? Why do you throw those iron wheels when you have such a good sword?�
�Uh, that�s��
�This just means that you are not qualified to use that sword. How can a person who is unable to utilize the weapon�s skill claim to be its owner? A great sword such as that one originally shines at the hands of the rightful owner. You don�t deserve to be the master of that sword.�
Soma couldn�t make any excuses.
After obtaining Gongbu, he might have steadily practiced and trained with it, but it was also true that he was not familiar with the sword because he did not systematically learn how to properly wield it.�
So, when a decisive moment or a situation comes when he has to draw out one hundred percent of his ability, he relies on the wheels.�
It was the same even now.
He might have used his sword against Cho Yeong-sin or the White Tiger Sword Corps, but once he faced King Gujin, who was an unprecedentedly strong warrior, instead of using the sword, he ended up using the wheels.�
His actions made King Gujin angry.
King Gujin actually didn�t know that Gongbu was a legendary sword. He just noticed that it had great strength and durability.�
A sword of that caliber was not very common in the current Jianghu.
The biggest inconvenience he feels while working as a mercenary is that it is not easy to find a proper weapon.
His martial arts were very destructive.
In terms of destructive power, there were not many people in the world who possessed martial arts comparable to him.
The problem is that his power is too destructive.
Because of his excessive destructive power, even weapons could not withstand most of his attacks. Once he used it a few times, it would immediately break.
Because of that, he always carried six swords with him.
He can only be relieved by carrying an extra sword. Even now, several swords clumsily hung on his back.
�A pearl necklace hanging around a pig�s neck. How sad is this?�
King Gujin was furious at Soma for not using his sword properly.
He pulled out a sword from his back.
It was a specially ordered sword made by a renowned artisan.