The place he was running was a vast plain with nowhere to hide. He was driven to such an unfavorable place because he was frantically pursued by the soldiers.�
The warriors intentionally pushed Pyo-wol and the children toward the plains. Because this was the most unfavorable environment for assassins.
There was not a single place where he could hide. But Pyo-wol did not give up.
There is no such thing as perfection in the world.
No matter how unfavorable the circumstances were, there was bound to be an opportunity for reversal.
At that moment, a faint sound of water reached Pyo-wol�s ear.
�There�s a river.�
There was nothing more to think about.
Pyo-wol ran in the direction of the river.
At that moment, Pyo-wol�s body shook violently.
Suddenly, a long object was lodged in his shoulder.
It was an arrow.
Someone had shot an arrow at Pyo-wol.
Pyo-wol almost fell forward. But he clenched his teeth and got up and ran.
There was no time to check who shot the arrow. At this moment, he had to run a little more.
Puff peuck!
Arrows were shot in succession towards Pyo-wol.�
The man who shot an arrow at Pyo-wol made a face of regret.
Jongnisan of Gwimyeon Palace (??? Ghost Face Bow) was the name of the warrior. He was a warrior who learned archery, which is rare in Jianghu. He was a master of archery, capable of hitting the head of a sparrow even from a hundred steps away.
Three children have already been killed by his arrows.
Opportunities to hunt humans openly like this were rare.
�You must be caught by me.�
He spread out his senses and pursued Pyo-wol. The fact that he fired four arrows and only one shot had hit its target hurt his self-esteem.
He ran along the trail Pyo-wol left on the ground.�
A master of archery was also a master of light engineering. And he had a knack for tracking.
For him, tracking the traces of Pyo-wol was an easy task.
Moreover, the arrow he had shot was lodged in Pyo-wol�s shoulder. The blood he had shed had dripped on the floor. Given that the trace was so visible, if he dared to miss it then he is not qualified to be a hunter.