Darkness began to fall on the streets little by little. Correspondingly, the number of people visiting the guest house increased.
As the waiter said, customers in groups such as merchants and escorts were entering the inn one after another.
Pyo-wol hurried down and took a seat. It seemed that he wouldn�t be able to find a place to eat if he stayed still.�
As he expected, the restaurant on the first floor became filled with people. If he had come down a little later, he would not be able to get a vacant seat.
Pyo-wol sat down in an empty seat in the corner and ordered a simple meal from the waiter.
At that time, even more guests entered the guest house. But There were no empty seats left.�
The moment Pyo-wol sat down, his eyes widened as he looked at the people who just came in.
�There�s no empty seat. You old Daoshi!�
�Hey! We were late because of you! So why are you blaming me?�
�I don�t know! It�s all because of you!�
�Anyway, I�m just saying��
A man and a woman entered the inn while arguing.
It was an old taoist and a beautiful young woman.
With the unusual combination, the duo managed to earn a lot of people�s attention. However, Pyo-wol paid attention to them not because of their odd combination, but because they were familiar faces.
The faces of the taoist and the young woman who were looking around the first floor suddenly stiffened.
Pyo-wol was sitting where their eyes were directed.
Although half of Pyo-wol�s face was covered with a scarf, they immediately recognized Pyo-wol�s identity.
�Who is this? Handsome older brother!�
The reactions of the two seemed different, yet similar.
The taoist looked displeased, while the woman seemed to be pleased, but with a wary look.
The two cautiously approached Pyo-wol.
The woman spoke to Pyo-wol first,
�Can we join you? Don�t tell me you�re going to turn us down so coldly when we�ve been through quite a lot together.�
The woman who smiled while looking at Pyo-wol was Heo Ranju of the Black Cloud Corps. The person next to her was Daoshi Goh. JrNovels.com