�That�s why I�ve given up. I already know the state my body is in.�
�You don�t have to be sorry. After all, it�s not your fault.�
�But I�m relieved. I won�t have to die all alone. Will you stay with me to the end?�
Pyo-wol nodded his head.
Lee Min looked at Pyo-wol. Her pale face was full of emotions.
�What is it?�
�I want you to survive.�
�I�ll try.�
�I hope you survive and get revenge on them in the same way. It�s unfortunate. After everything that we went through to survive� we have to die like this. It�s tragic that someone I don�t know determines my fate. I hope they feel the same way as me one day.�.
Lee Min spoke calmly, but Pyo-wol felt the cry in her voice.
In the underground cavity, she fought harder than anyone else to survive.
In the underground cavity, she fought more closely than anyone else to stay alive.
Even in a world where there was no hope, she was able to not get frustrated because she believed that something would change if she went out to the outside world.
Such belief was the driving force that allowed her to endure until now.
But that belief was shattered, and only despair was gnawing at her heart.
There was no hope or light to be found in her eyes, which used to shone brightly in the dark.
She lost the will to live.
She no longer had the strength to move forward.
It was impossible to save her. However, he didn�t want to let her go in despair like this. JrNovels.com