�Hohoho! Just as I�ve heard, you�re really smart. I didn�t completely believe the report, but some of the information is indeed correct.�
Hong Ye-seol broke into laughter.�
�What else is written on the report?�
�It says that you might be involved in Baekrok�s disappearance.�
�Baekrok assassination skills aren�t that great, but he�s excellent at using poison, so he�s still quite competent. I even learned some poisoning techniques from him. I confirmed that he had entered Sichuan on his own after receiving a request, but at some point, his whereabouts became unknown. At that point, I was lost. But now, I guess that it�s you who has beaten him, is that right?
�You don�t have to be so wary. I didn�t like Baekrok that much. Even if you killed him, it doesn�t give me any reason to be wary of you.�
�It seems that there is no affection between colleagues.�
�Hoho! Who cares about affection in the world these days? We only work together because it�s mutually beneficial and profitable. Why should I be angry that he died at your hands? He died because he didn�t have the ability. That�s just the fate of an incompetent assassin.�
Hong Ye-seol laughed once again.
�So the Hundred Wraith Union is such a place?�
�Isn�t that just how the world works?�
Hong Ye-seol asked back.
�That�s cold.�
�Hoho! I really didn�t expect those words to come out of your mouth. I can�t believe the person who caused the bloodshed in Chengdu is calling us cold-hearted. Isn�t that you?�
Pyo-wol had already suspected that his identity was known to the world. But he wasn�t upset.
The bloodshed in Chengdu was not an event that could be completely covered up. In addition, he dealt with quite a few people on the way to Wudang Mountain.
It was enough time for his identity to be revealed.
At this point, the general public might know about him yet, but sects who possess intelligence networks, more or less have some information about Pyo-wol.
Pyo-wol took off his scarf completely.
There is no reason for him to cover his face anymore.
Hong Ye-seol smiled.
�That looks better. You should continue to do that in the future. Covering up a face like that is like committing a sin against all the women in the world. The same goes for me� By the way, are you by any chance thinking of entering the Hundred Wraith Union? Thanks to you, there is a seat available��
The life of an assassin is no different from performing acrobatics on a blade. The moment they become careless and make a mistake, they can easily lose their life.�
This is no different for the Hundred Wraith Union assassins. Even if they�re known to be great assassins who are feared by many, death was inevitable.
Requests that exceed one�s capabilities always endanger the assassins. In fact many had died by accepting requests that went beyond their competence. Whenever this happens, the Hundred Wraith Union would promote their internally raised assassins.�
The Hundred Wraith Union always thought they were the best. They pride themselves that no other assassin can dare compare to the Hundred Wraith Union. However, there were cases where they would recruit assassins from the outside.
This happens when it�s impossible for them to promote a homegrown assassin due to some kind of problem, or when an external person had capabilities that exceeded expectations.
�The last time we recruited an assassin from outside was eighty-nine years ago. This is a really great opportunity. If you come to the Hundred Wraith Union, you will get a powerful background.� JrNovels.com