Chapter: 1241
The girl flinched at his appearance.

�Older brother!�

�I heard that he�s a guest of brother Geum-woo. Be polite.�

�What courtesy? And how can we be sure that he�s really friends with that idiot?�

�But first of all, they are guests at the main house. Since when did the main family treat guests badly?�

At the young man�s firm words, the girl bit her lips and stepped back. Only then did the young man look and greet Pyo-wol.

�I am Jin Siwoo, Geum-woo�s younger brother. Are you his friend?�

�I�m Pyo-wol.�

�I�ve heard of you. He said he befriended an interesting person in Sichuan.�

�We�ve only been together for a month.�

�A month might not be enough for some to build significant memories, but there are those who find it more than enough time to build memories that will last a lifetime. I think brother Geum-woo fits the latter case.�

Jin Siwoo smiled softly.

Pyo-wol�s gaze turned to the girl.

�Who is that child?�

�Her name is Seol-ah. She�s the youngest of us three siblings. She loved Geum-woo more than anyone else, so she was shocked by his death. I hope you understand if she comes off as rude at times.�

�Who likes who?! I�ve never liked that idiot! Who likes a man who makes promises he can�t keep? I�ll resent him for the rest of my life!�

Jin Seol-ah screamed loudly.

Tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

Jin Seol-ah, who was glaring at Pyo-wol with her face red, immediately ran back to their manor.

Seeing that, Jin Siwoo sighed.


�Love and hate are originally like the front and back sides of a piece of paper. They are always stuck together.�

�That�s right. Let�s go inside first.�

Jin Siwoo brought Pyo-wol inside the Jin manor.

When the villagers saw a stranger enter, they focused their attention on him.�

Both curiosity and vigilance could be found in their eyes.

Feeling and seeing the sharpened atmosphere of the Jin residents, Pyo-wol muttered,

�It seems that things are not going well here.�

�So it looks that way to you too, brother. Oh, by the way, is it alright if I call you brother? After all, you�re my brother�s friend.�

�Do as you please.�