The middle-aged man roughly wiped the seasoning off his mouth with his sleeve. The seasoning was all over his golden long sleeve, but he didn�t care.
�Thank you for the meal. The food is quite tasty today.�
�He has the best skills in Henan. You should know how much money I spent to get him, dad.�
�Of course I know. Isn�t that why I scolded you for spending money on useless things?�
�Are you ready to apologize now?�
�Heh heh! But I still think you spent too much money. I can�t believe you spent so much money to hire a chef. You could have at least paid for it in two monthly payments, but you didn�t even make the slightest effort.�
�Dad! You have to pay that much money to hire the right people!�
The woman�s words made the middle-aged man snort. But the woman was not disappointed or upset. She knew her dad was originally that kind of man.
The Golden Mountain Manor�s sect leader, Geum Shin-chung.
That�s the status of the middle-aged man. And the woman is Geum Suryeon, the daughter of Geum Shin-chung.
Geum Suryeon was fanatically fond of gold and wore gold jewelry all over her body like his father. Even the clothes she was wearing were engraved with gorgeous patterns embroidered with gold thread.
The threads weren�t just in gold color, but are made with real gold.
Geum Suryeon resembles her father in everything except her appearance.
A maniacal obsession with gold, a cold heart, even quick calculations.
For that reason, she received a significant amount of authority from Geum Shin-chung and took part in the operation of the Golden Mountain Manor.
While the two of them were arguing about the cost of hiring the chef, the door opened carefully and a man went inside.
The young man, who appeared to be in his early twenties, bowed his head toward Geum Shin-chung as soon as he entered the room.
�I, Geum Woo-sin, pay my respect to uncle.�
�Good work.�
�I just did what I had to do.�
�So why are you so late?�
�T, That�s��
Geum Woo-shin couldn�t hide his embarrassed expression.
Geum Shin-chung interrogated him.
�As per schedule, you should have returned the other day, so why are you so late?�
�Oh, actually, I had some work to do.�
�What happened? Were you caught exchanging horses?�