�Then you should have purchased it or even killed the owner to take it away. This isn�t just about you. Because of you, even I have been humiliated. If other people knew this, would they curse you? Or will you insult me?�
�I�m sorry! I was wrong!�
Geum Woo-sin slammed his head on the floor.
Blood splattered as his forehead was torn apart, but Geum Woo-sin did not even feel the pain. His heart was only filled with the fear of� Geum Shin-chung.
Geum Shin-chung rose from his seat.
�Good. Since you�re already bowing, lie face down.�
�Don�t move, and stay still.�
Geum Shin-chung reached out and grabbed a stick next to him.
The stick with a spiral hole dug into the surface was in the color gold. It was a golden stick he had specially ordered.
Geum Woo-sin, who saw Geum Shin-chung holding a stick, closed his eyes tightly. He knew from experience what would happen to him.
In an instant, Geum Shin-chung�s stick hit his hips.
Geum Woo-sin clenched his teeth and endured the pain.
Geum Woo-sin had mastered the external arts of the Shaolin Temple. At his level, he would normally not feel any pain from a few attacks.� However, the blow from the stick was on a different level.
The strike pierced through his trained muscles and penetrated through his bones.
Geum Woo-sin�s eyes widened at the unimaginable pain.
He was acutely aware of the pain of hitting his bones.
Again the stick hit his hip.
In the end, Geum Woo-sin could not stand the pain and burst into screams.
His face was contorted with pain. Tears and mucus run all over his face.
�We�ll stop here for today.�
Geum Shin-chung set his stick to one side and sat down.
�T, Thank you.�
�Did you cry, brother?�
Geum Suryeon squatted down in front of Geum Woo-sin. JrNovels.com