This kind of house is a place where assassins could exchange information through their own secret language.
Assassins operating in different regions would write codes on the walls of these houses to relay information or inquire about each other�s well-being.
The content of what Dark Ghost wrote was simple.
[Hong Ye-seol came in contact with a dangerous person. Take caution.]
The code was written so messily that ordinary people would dismiss it as a child�s scribble. It would be impossible for ordinary people to decipher the true message in it.
What Dark Ghost wrote is some sort of warning to other assassins who have entered Runan.
Having finished his duty, Dark Ghost tried to leave in a hurry.
But he had no choice but to stop walking at the next moment.
This is because a black shadow appeared in the alley where he is.
The black shadow was the man he thought he had lost.�
It was only then that Dark Ghost realized that Pyo-wol had played him like a fiddle.�
Pyo-wol never lost sight of Dark Ghost even for a moment. Pyo-wol probably even watched him as he wrote something on the wall.�
Nonetheless, he was still reassured that Pyo-wol would never figure out the message he wrote. Furthermore, he thought that it would be impossible for Pyo-wol to find out the conditions of the house where the secret word was written.�
However, his composure was shattered at Pyo-wol�s next words,
�High walls, red lanterns, and discolored black gate. That must be the necessary conditions or characteristics of the house for you to write down your secret code.�
In an instant, Dark Ghost trembled.
His opponent had clearly seen through the Hundred Wraith Union�s secret language system with just one glance.�
If Dark Ghost leaves him as he is, it won�t be impossible for Pyo-wol to grasp the contents of what he wrote.
Pyo-wol did not miss the fear that flashed in Dark Ghost�s eyes.
Fishing naturally requires bait.
In that respect, Hong Ye-seol was a great bait.
By keeping her alive, he was able to catch a fish like this.
Light Novel: Volume 11 Episode 1
Manhwa: N/A
Something gleamed and came out of Dark Ghost�s body.
The light, which bloomed like a meteor, flew straight towards Pyo-wol.