The spear could be said to be a work of art in itself. The entire spear is colorless to the point that it�s almost transparent. It would be difficult to distinguish its shape not unless the person looking at it focused their eyes on it.�
In broad daylight, it even has the effect of reflecting sunlight, which could dazzle and blinding his opponent.
Ice Slayer carefully polished his spear.
His spear had the property of becoming even more transparent the more he polished it, so he had no choice but to take special care of it on a regular basis.
Although this series of processes is cumbersome, Ice Slayer was willing to spend time mending his spear.
It wasn�t long before a satisfied smile appeared on Ice Slayer�s lips. The corners of his mouth might have only risen a little, but this was already a rare case of Ice Slayer showing such emotion.
After he repaired his spear, all that remained was for him to wait.
He signed a contract with Lee Yul and entered the Snow Sword Manor.
He thought he would be put on a mission soon, but he was suddenly asked to be on standby. Something must have happened but they didn�t bother to tell him.�
But it didn�t matter. He wasn�t the kind of person in the first place who cared too much about such external factors. He only cares about accomplishing own mission.�
�He�ll call me when the time comes.�
Ice Slayer thought as he leaned his back against the wall.
The cold wall woke him up. He liked this tension.
Ice Slayer touched the blade of his spear with his fingertips.
Just a slight touch was enough to cut his skin.
A� satisfied smile appeared on his lips.
But then,
He suddenly let out a choking sound.
Something was tightening around his neck.
As soon as that thought crossed his mind, his body reacted automatically.�
He swung his spear and cut off the object that was strangling him.
What was cut by his blade was a thread so thin that it was barely visible.
Ice Slayer frowned.
Using a thread like this is an assassin�s method of ambush.