�There�s no need for you to apologize for something that has already been taken care of peacefully.�
�I will make sure that he pulls himself together.�
Mu Jeong-jin replied with a look that said nothing was wrong.
�Yes, that�s plenty. No matter what anyone says, Woo Gunsang�s talent is real.�
At Mu Jeong-jin�s words, the elders nodded their heads.
�I heard that you accepted Emei�s sects proposal of marriage?�
This time, it was Muryeongjin, the sect leader, who opened his mouth.
Woo Jinpyeong made a sad expression.
�How did that happen?�
�Marriage with the Emei sect� Not bad. Is the bride the youngest disciple of the Abbess of Nine Calamities?�
�That�s right.�
�It�s rumored that she possesses both intelligence and beauty. If that�s the case, it�s not bad match for Woo Gunsang.�
�I think so too.�
�Then why is your expression so dark?�
�It�s probably because I�m reluctant.�
�Is it because of the Abbess of the Nine Calamities?�
When the Abbess of the Nine Calamities was mentioned, all the elders frowned at once.
There was an existence that made people feel bad just by hearing their name. Guhwasata was such a person.
Like the Qingcheng sect, the Emei sect fell behind because of the late opening of their gate. No, the Emei sect was far below that of the Qingcheng sect, let alone the other three great sects.
For that reason, she was determined to catch up with the Qingcheng sect in any way.
Such tenacity of the Guhwasata made the elders of the Qingcheng uncomfortable.
�If Woo Gunsang gets married to the youngest disciple of the Abbess of the Nine Calamities, we will have no choice but to make concessions.�
�Hmm, so that�s the problem. If we make a mistake, there�s a risk that our sect will be the ones who will be devoured. That�s why I�ve rejected the proposal so far, but now, there�s nothing I can do about it.�
�However, we have no choice. We can�t continue to be enemies in this small land of Sichuan. Accept it.�
�I will.�
�Woo Gunsang is the only hope of the Qingcheng sect to catch up with the other three sects. Never forget that fact.�
The meeting ended with Mu Jeong-jin�s last words.
* * *
Bright Moon Palace was an old hall with the history of the Qingcheng sect. JrNovels.com