Chapter: 1434
Geum Woo-shin grabbed Geum Suryeon�s hand.

�What happened?�

�Don�t you remember? You were taken to the Snow Sword Manor because you were injured.�

Only then did Geum Suryeon start to recall what had happened.

�Ah! Where is he?!�

�He? Who?�

�What do you mean who?! The one who put me in this position!�

Geum Suryeon strongly demanded.�

Even though she had been wandering between death and near death until a little ago, her eyes already contained a ferocious light.�

With her outward appearance alone, no one would think that she had just been seriously ill awhile ago.�

Geum Woo-shin stuck out his tongue.

�Tough bitch! She can kill a person with just her eyes.�

He also prides himself on being quite a poisonous breed, but he would not dare put himself as close as Geum Suryeon.

Geum Suryeon�s poison was simply beyond imagination.

She ordered,

�Find him and drag him to me.�

�Let�s talk about that later. You almost died.�

�I lived anyway.�


�I will die if I don�t pay this humiliation back. Do you want to see me die? If I die, you won�t be safe either. You know that right?�


�So, you have to catch him no matter what. I�ll tear him to death with my own hands. I�ll even kill all the others related to him. I�ll cut his friends into small pieces and throw them as animal food, while I�ll sell his woman to a brothel. I�ll make sure they live the most miserable life!�

�Yes, yes, please calm down now. I�m scared that your wound will get worse.�

�Is my wound important? Don�t worry about me and get him�!�

Geum Suryeon screamed in hysteria.

The sight of her screaming regardless of her wounds made even Geum Woo-shin afraid.

�I�m going to kill him in the worst way in the world! I�m going to put salt in his wounds! I�m going to peel him so he can�t live or die! Do you understand?! Do you understand�?!�

Seeing Geum Soo-ryun screaming like a crazy bitch, Geum Woo-shin put on a tired expression.�

�I can�t believe she was this crazy.�

She usually pretended to be so graceful and elegant, but that appearance was nowhere to be found. Her true nature was revealing itself right now.�