He was an assassin hired by Lee Yul along with Heuk-ho.
He was supposed to be his trump card. He wanted to use him in the future in assassinating the high-ranking warriors of the Jin family.
There was no reason for him to suddenly go mad and ambush Geum Suryeon.
�It�s him! He killed Ice Slayer and used his weapon!�
As a result, it was �Ice Slayer� who had killed Geum Suryeon.�
No matter how much he tries to deny the accusation, it would be useless. There was no way they would understand him even if he explained.
It was very easy for him to take Geum Woo-shin�s life.
Even so, Lee Yul�s pupils shook greatly at the moment of being saved.
He suddenly understood Pyo-wol�s intention.�
�You devilish bastard!�
When Geum Suryeon�s body was finally loaded in the wagon, Geum Woo-shin ordered to leave immediately.
Lee Yul could not stop Geum Woo-shin from leaving.
He had no justification to do so, and above all, Geum Woo-shin had no intention of listening to him.
Before leaving, Geum Woo-shin said,
�Since this happened in the Snow Sword Manor, your sect must take responsibility for this.�
�When I was about to move the training to the gold mountain, what did they say? They said that it was still in a dangerous state and had to be kept in the snow dojo. But look what happened?�
Geum Woo-shin pressured Lee Yul with determination.
Lee Yul could not answer properly.
Because Geum Woo-shin�s words were true.
The measures he took to protect Geum Suryeon became shackles that held him back.
Geum Woo-shin and the warriors of Golden Mountain Manor soon left the Snow Sword Manor with Geum Suryeon.
Lee Yul gnashed his teeth as he watched the backs of the Golden Mountain Manor warriors getting farther away.
His eyes were bloodshot, as if blood was about to drip down at any moment.