It was not difficult for a martial artist to learn and master riding a horse. The problem is that horses are sensitive animals, making them difficult to manage.�
Furthermore, the cost of maintaining a single horse for a year was more or less the same cost of feeding a family of four.�
With such a high cost, most sects could not afford to train cavalrymen.
The same was true for the Snow Sword Manor.
The Jin family knew that there was someone in the Snow Sword Manor who possessed and trained a cavalry. However, they neglected to come up with countermeasures since there were other more urgent matters.�
That was their mistake.�
Like black clouds, the mounted warriors gathered together and charged into the midst of the Jin family troops.�
The giant horses were weapons in itself.
Those warriors who collided with the massive body of the horse were sent flying into the distance, while those who were trampled by the horse�s hooves let out screams as they were horribly crushed to death.�
�Show them the might of the Black Cloud Corps!�
The man who shouted was none other than the leader of the Black Cloud Corps, Jang Muryang.�
The Snow Sword Manor warriors have lured the Jin family warriors to an open field.�
Only in an open land like this could the Black Cloud Corps exert its best power.�
They rode their horses wildly.�
Clip-clop! Clip-clop!
The galloping of more than a hundred horses was simply spectacular. But for the Jin family who had to deal with them, it was a disaster.
�W, What should we do?�
�Everyone, run away!�
The warriors of the Jin family tried to escape.
But no matter how fast their feet ran, they could not outrun a galloping horse.
�Damn it!�
The Venerable Master and Lee Heesu exchanged glances.