�Just go with us. We can go look around at the surrounding scenery. Are you really in a hurry?�
�I�m not that free.�
�Well, if that�s the case, then there�s nothing we can do about it. You can go ahead. I�ll follow soon enough doing my errands.�
Dok Gohyang happily let Pyo-wol go.
Pyo-wol looked at Dok Gohyang�s face for a while and then went out of the inn.
When there were only the two of them left, Um Soso said to Dok Gohyang,
�I think it�s a mistake giving him your identity token.�
�He�s a dangerous man.�
�In what way?�
�I can�t read his mind at all.�
�As I expected. After all, it�s the first time I�ve seen you so flustered.�
�What do you mean flustered?!�
�You don�t know? When you�re flustered, your expression becomes noticeably stiff. But don�t worry, you�re still pretty cute.�
�If I were you I would refrain from saying unnecessary words.�
�Whatever. Anyway, you said that you didn�t see through him, right?�
�That�s right.�
Um Soso meekly nodded.
Admit one�s shortcomings was never easy. Nevertheless, Um Soso readily admitted it because she didn�t have to pretend in front of Dok Gohyang.
Dok Gohyang is a person who is not ashamed of admitting his shortcomings.
That�s why Um Soso regards Dok Gohyang highly.
Dok Gohyang did not just become the next-in line just because he met his master.
The current sect leader of the Martial Sword Sect, Jeon Mu-ok, is the ruler of South Sea Jianghu. He is known for his nickname as the Sword King of the Sea.2
Sa Yeonhee, who was Jeon Mu-ok�s master and former sect leader of the Martial Sword Sect, was a person of excellent skills, but had no talent in teaching others.
Because he was so talented, he didn�t know how to teach someone who was less talented than himself.�
Sa Yeonhee just taught Jeon Mu-ok whatever thing came to his mind. Fortunately, Jeon Mu-ok was a man with great patience. He struggled and worked hard to digest his master�s teachings.� JrNovels.com