�So this is what you�ve been aiming for all along.�
�As you say, it�s a mutually beneficial deal.�
�I hope it stays that way until the end, so now tell me. Who is spying over me?�
Pyo-wol told Hong Yushin the story he had heard from Jang Noya.
Hong Yushin�s face stiffened as he listened.
He found it embarrassing that he hadn�t noticed that someone else was watching him, especially with his position as the chief inspector of the Hao clan.
He wondered if there was a possibility that Pyo-wol might be lying, but there was no reason for someone like Pyo-wol to lie to him. He wasn�t the kind of person who would tell a lie that could easily be caught.�
�Who is it?�
�For now, I can only guess that it was Lee Yul who made the move.�
�Lee Yul� Do you know anything about him?�
�That�s the problem. I don�t know anything about him.�
Hong Yushin frowned.�
He was the one who knew best about Pyo-wol�s abilities.
Even in Chengdu, his ability to grasp information was demonic, to the point that he had managed to establish his own information network in a short time. If even Pyo-wol couldn�t figure out his identity, then it could only mean that Lee Yul had completely hidden his own information.
But it�s impossible for someone to thoroughly hide his information. One way or another, information about him would certainly pop up.�
�It seems I�ll have to use the power of our sect to investigate his background.�
�It won�t be easy.�
�You�re taking the power of the Hao clan too lightly. If you didn�t know, there�s nothing we can�t find out as long as we set our minds to it.�
�I look forward to it.�
�You won�t be disappointed.�
Hong Yushin smiled coldly.
* * *
�Good, good!�
Dok Gohyang exclaimed and laughed in admiration. He had been this way ever since he entered Runan.�
At the sight of Dok Gohyang�s boisterous behavior, Um Soso frowned, but she did not do anything more.�
Although she didn�t like the way he was acting, she did not point out his behavior. Because she knows that even if she did, Dok Gohyang was not someone who would fix and mind his behavior.�
He had been this way as a child, and his free-spirited personality hadn�t changed even as he grew up.�
Dok Gohyang seemed to like the atmosphere in Runan.� JrNovels.com