�Get away from him while I�m still asking nicely.�
She suddenly heard a sharp woman�s voice.�
Startled, So-ok pulled away from Pyo-wol.
At that moment, a woman appeared in the room like a ghost.�
As if the woman had suffered some terrible ordeal, her clothes were torn and dishevelled.
Bewildered, So-ok asked,
�Who are you? Wait, how did you get in here?�
The brothel was heavily guarded by the Hao clan like a fortress, so she could not help but be shocked that a woman managed to broke through their defenses.�
At that moment, a sharp blade touched So-ok�s neck.
The woman had quickly pulled out a dagger and pointed it at her.
�A master!�
So-ok�s pupils shook.
She was also an accomplished martial artist herself, but she couldn�t even detect when the woman had drawn out her dagger.
This could only mean that her opponent was a master who was far superior to her.
The woman said to So-ok,
�Get out!�
�I�m not in a good mood right now. So don�t bother me and leave.�
The murderous intent coming from the woman was real.�
So-ok almost peed herself.
Terrified, she fled out of the room without looking back.
Only then did the woman keep her dagger and pick up the glass of alcohol in front of Pyo-wol.
The woman downed the drink in one swift gulp.
Pyo-wol stared at the woman wordlessly.
The woman didn�t seem to mind his gaze, continuing to gulp down drink after drink.
Only after drinking three cups did she put the glass down, as if her thirst had been quenched. JrNovels.com