Lee Yul thought he�d misheard. The news was that shocking.�
�They say that shortly after leaving Runan and arriving at their temporary base, they were ambushed by someone. Many people were killed or wounded, including Captain Mok.�
�Who did it?�
�Pyo� wol.�
�It�s him again� I�m getting really tired of this.�
Lee Yul clicked his tongue.
The damage caused by Pyo-wol seemed to be greater than the damage he suffered while fighting the Jin family.�
Pyo-wol was like a mosquito, constantly hovering around and annoying him. But since his destructive power was incomparable to that of a mosquito, his presence made it all the more frustrating and troublesome.�
�In the worst case scenario, the Ghost Brigade might force you to escape.�
�That will never happen.�
�But as you know, we have no choice if the Ghost Brigade decides to intervene.�
Baek Do-kyung looked at Lee Yul with a worried expression.�
The Ghost Brigade was not above Lee Yul, but in some special cases, they could intervene without his permission.
One of which was Lee Yul�s safety.
If they thought his safety was in danger, the Ghost Brigade could intervene and force Lee Yul to escape, regardless of his permission.
Lee Yul bit his lip.
The Ghost Brigade would do what he ordered them to do, but if they intervened, then his status would plummet to the bottom.
The only reason Lee Yul was able to act so independently like this was because he had never once failed before.
A single failure would be a fatal stain on his career.
If that happened, he could lose all the autonomy and authority he�s been given.
He had to prevent such a worst-case scenario.
�Call in the Ten Thousand Man Slayer.�
�What? But��
�We need a game-changing move. The current situation can�t be reversed with just ordinary means.�
�But he�s impossible to control. He might even make things worse if we�re not careful.�
�That�s what I�m calling him for.�
�We even dragged the Shaolin Temple into this, so how come bringing the Ten Thousand Man Slayer a big deal? Who knows, maybe this is for the best.� JrNovels.com