After playing and slithering in between Pyo-wol�s fingers for a while, the snake raised its head and stared at him.
The snake�s red eyes met with Pyo-wol�s.
They looked into each other�s eyes as if they were communicating.
The snake flicked out its tongue continuously, and Pyo-wol smiled.
He had lived with countless snakes in the underground cave. He understood their physiology and way of thinking better than anyone else. Naturally, he also knew how to handle them.
The snake didn�t seem to dislike Pyo-wol either. It didn�t even hesitate to climb into his hand when he reached out to it.
He looked into the snake�s carnelian eyes and said,�
�From now on, I�ll call you Gwiya.�
Whether the name Gwiya pleased the snake or not, it twisted and slithered around on Pyo-wol�s fingers.
Pyo-wol instinctively knew that it was a behavior that Gwiya shows when he really likes something.
Gwiya had been living alone for a long time.
He, too, was hungry for companionship.
Just when he was waiting for someone to reach out to him, Pyo-wol showed up.
Gwiya circled between Pyo-wol�s fingers for a while, then slipped into his sleeve and rested against his forearm.
Pyo-wol was very fond of his new little friend. He didn�t have to waste time talking to his friend nor did he have to be self-conscious around it.�
He stroked the spot where Gwiya had settled and began to walk.�
The night was quiet.
It was already late at night and everyone had fallen asleep.
Clack! Clack!
Then a strange sound tore through the night.�
Pyo-wol stopped walking and looked toward the source of the sound.
After a moment, the origin of the sound revealed itself.