They had to fight back while they still had the strength to do so, especially at this moment, when everyone leasts expects it.
Lee Yul asked Baek Do-kyung,
�Where�s the Ten Thousand Man Slayer?�
�He�s on standby. But as soon as we move our troops, he will move as well.�
Baek Do-kyung looked at Lee Yul with a stony expression.
The forces of the Snow Sword Manor had already finished their preparations. They were now all ready to be deployed. They just needed Lee Yul�s command before they could advance toward the Jin family.�
When that happens, Runan will turn into a hellish battlefield tonight.�
Lee Yul gave the order,
When Baek Do-kyung responded, the warriors of the Snow Sword Manor ebbed away like a tide, leaving only a small number of forces behind.
The once bustling manor instantly fell silent.
It wasn�t just the troops at Snow Sword Manor that were on the move.
Lee Yul went as well.�
�If it�s them, they will be able to block the Hao clan�s eyes and ears.�
* * *
�What do you say?! The Snow Sword Manor�s troops are on the move? Are you sure you didn�t make a mistake?!�
�No, my lord. We just received a report from the scouts stationed at the Snow Sword Manor.�
�This is madness! How could they attack at this hour?!�
Hong Yushin jumped out of his seat at his subordinate�s report.
It was already late at night, when everyone was asleep.
Most sects wouldn�t dare move their troops at this hour.
No matter how strong a sect is, there was still a line to be drawn. Even if it�s not a written law, most sects despised attacking at night. They believed it was an unbecoming act for a sect in Jianghu.
But of course, not everyone shares the same sentiments.
There were still many factions that launched their attacks at night to catch their opponents off guard.
The problem was that such cowardly acts would draw the ire and criticisms of Jianghu. It is for that reason why, unless it was truly an urgent situation, most sects avoided launching attacks at this hour.
Furthermore, everyone�s attention is currently on Runan.�
Many people are closely watching the fight between the Snow Sword Manor and the Jin family, so while it was important for a sect to win, it was equally important for the sect not to be criticized.�
Once a sect does something wrong, they could be chased out of Jianghu and treated as a public enemy even after winning. So unless it was a fairly urgent situation, it was considered taboo to attack at night.
But, the Snow Sword Manor ended up breaking a taboo.