It was difficult to get inside Geum Shin-chung�s residence, but once inside, the difficulty drastically lowered.
Geum Shin-chung hated having others in his personal space, so he guarded the outside of his residence with great vigilance, but no one could enter his residence.
As a result, Pyo-wol walked through Geum Shin-chung�s residence as if he was strolling through his own front yard.
As Pyo-wol approached Geum Shin-chung�s room, his expression became tense.
He felt a strange sensation creeping up on him.
Pyo-wol abruptly pushed the door open to Geum Shin-chung�s room.
Thud! Thud!
Inside the room was a woman holding a dagger dripping with blood.
The woman�s eyes widened in surprise as she looked at Pyo-wol.
Pyo-wol looked at the fat man lying on the ground in front of the woman. The man, who was bleeding profusely like a pig, was none other than the sect leader of the Golden Mountain Manor, Geum Shin-chung.
He lost his life to a woman in his residence.
The problem was that the woman who killed Geum Shin-chung is someone that Pyo-wol knows.
�How did you get here?�
The woman who looked at Pyo-wol with a puzzled expression was Hong Ye-seol.
Instead of answering, Pyo-wol asked her,
�Why did you kill him?�
�I was commissioned to do it.�
�Yes! A request.�
�Who�s the client?�
�Hoho! Come on, you�re being tacky. You know very well that I can�t say the name of the client as long as the contract is still in effect.�
Hong Ye-seol said as if it was obvious.
�Didn�t you break the contract with Lee Yul?�
�It was a contract made before that.�
�With whom?�
�I told you, I can�t tell you.�
Hong Ye-seol smiled broadly.
In contrast, Pyo-wol�s expression grew even colder.