As soon as he walked in, Jin Siwoo greeted him warmly.
�How are you feeling?�
�I�m fine.�
Jin Siwoo�s complexion was extremely pale.
He had suffered major injuries when he fought against the Ten Thousand Man Slayer. Fortunately, Han Yucheon intervened just in time to save his life, but nonetheless, he still incurred severe internal injuries that would take him several days to recover.
He wished he could just relax and spend more time meditating and training, but unfortunately, he was not given such leisurely time.
He had to negotiate with the higher-ups, take care of the wounded, restore the collapsed manor and re-establish the Jin family�s system.�
He had a lot of work to do, and he had no choice but to manage all the work with just a minimum amount of rest.
Jin Siwoo asked Pyo-wol,
�How have you been?�
He had no idea what Pyo-wol had been doing outside. Since he was too busy dealing and handling the Jin family�s internal affairs, he had no time to pay attention to the external matters.
�I�ve been well.�
�I�m sorry for letting you leave like that��
�Don�t worry about it. I wasn�t going to stay in the Jin manor for long anyway.�
�But still��
It was then.
�Why are you here now?�
A familiar voice asked.
When Pyo-wol turned his head, he saw a petite girl with her arms crossed around her chest, glaring at him.�
It was Jin Siwoo�s younger sister, Jin Seol-ah.
Her eyes were filled with resentment.
�You�re safe.�
�Tch! Where have you been all this time?�
�Here and there��
�You should have just ignored them and come back to the manor. Why did you have to stay somewhere else?�
Jin Seol-ah knew that Pyo-wol had left the Jin manor because of his conflict with the Shaolin Temple. She knew it was inevitable, but she still couldn�t help but feel sad about it.
She was still young to make purely rational judgments. She was at an age where she was more influenced by emotions than reason.�