Um Soso looked at Pyowol piercingly, but no matter how hard she looked into his eyes, she couldn�t read his thoughts.
Um Soso sighed inwardly.
She realized that she had overreacted.
�If you really came here to repair your weapons, then follow me. Hong Noya is the best weaponsmith in the area.�
�Hong Noya?�
�He�s the owner of the workshop where the two warriors just fought in.�
�I see.�
�He�s originally from Hainan, but he moved here a long time ago.Nonetheless, his skills are top-notched.�
Um Soso approached Hong Noya, then Hong Noya greeted her.�
�I greet the Lady.�
�That�s enough politeness. How�s my sword?�
�I�ve repaired it nicely.�
Hong Noya quickly brought out a long wooden box from inside. The box contained a sword with a sophisticated pattern engraved on it.
Um Soso received the sword in the box and then handed him the sword she was holding. The sword she was holding prior had been damaged. She needed Hang Noya to repair it.
The sword in the box was originally hers, but since its blades had been damaged, she had to borrow a temporary one to replace it.�
A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she received her own sword. As much as she liked her temporary sword, she still preferred the one she�d been using for a long time already.
�Thank you. It�s as good as new.�
�No, it was my pleasure to be able to work on the lady�s sword.�
Hong Noya replied with an emotional expression.
Although circumstances had forced him to leave Hainan and settle in this faraway place, he had never forgotten his previous hometown. That�s why he did his best to repair Um Soso�s sword.
Um Soso then pointed to Pyo-wol and said,
�If it�s okay with you, can you repair his weapon too?�