�My goodness! Your friend must be quite the skilled martial artist.�
�Kukuku! That�s right, you better watch out, because he�s not just good at martial arts.�
The red corners of Yi Okran�s lips slightly curled up.�
She bowed gracefully to Pyo-wol.
�I, Yi Okran, the vice-leader of the Heavenly Flower Troupe, greet you, Master Pyo-wol. Please take care of me from now on.�
�I don�t know if we�ll have a chance to meet again.�
�Who knows what the future holds. Anyway, I have to wake up the servants for them to prepare some drinks.�
�I don�t drink.�
�Our leader loves to drink. Even when I nag him not to, he just won�t listen.�
Yi Okran immediately got up and went to wake up the servants.
When they were alone, So Gyeoksan sat down and said,
�Sit down.�
�When did you start drinking?�
�Hehe! You�re strange. Shouldn�t you enjoy life a little since you�ve found your freedom? How long are you going to live like a monk, suppressing all your desires? Life isn�t that long. Do everything you can while you still can.�
�I don�t want to hear that from you.�
�Kuku! Is that so?�
�Since when did you become the leader of a theater troupe?�
�It�s been a few years. At first, I tried to make a living as an assassin, after all, everything I�ve learned so far was how to kill. But the world isn�t easy. To be a proper assassin, I had to join the Hundred Wraith Union, but I didn�t like the idea.�
�Is it because of the Blood Shadow Group?�
So Gyeoksan nodded.
He clenched his jaw, as if the mere thought of it vexed him.
�That�s right! Why would I want to belong to another organization when I�ve just been freed from the Blood Shadow Group? So that�s why I started my own troupe. It was difficult at first, but now, we�ve managed to establish ourselves and are making a decent living. You can join us if you want.�
�No thanks.�
�Too bad. I�m sure there�s plenty of women who would love to see you because of your face. In any case, let me know if you change your mind.�
�I�m sure you didn�t come here just to talk about that. Why are you really here?�
�I told you, we�re here to perform for the Jin family.�
�If you�re going to keep talking nonsense, I�m going to leave.�
�You still have a filthy personality.� JrNovels.com