�Don�t pout like that. It�s not like you�re really hurt.�
Yi Okran climbed and sat on So Gyeoksan�s thighs.
So Gyeoksan automatically held and caressed her backside. Enjoying his touch, Yi Okran said,
�You can�t just suddenly stop if you really want something.�
�Then what do I do?�
�You have to know how to push away, and how to tease and stimulate other person.�
�How do you tease them?�
�I�ll teach you now.�
Yi Okran pressed her lips to So Gyeoksan�s mouth.
* * *
The morning was a busy one for the Heavenly Flower Variety Theater Troupe.
They woke up early in the morning and had breakfast.�
Their breakfast was just as noisy as the dinner they had the night before.
�Can you pass me that over there?�
�What? The fruit?�
�Give me the bowl. I�ll serve it for you..�
They served each other food, chatting as they passed the bowls around. They had so much to say even after talking late into the night, so their conversation continued into the morning.
Just then, the troupe�s leader, So Gyeoksan, and vice-leader, Yi Okran, came down the stairs.
�Did you sleep well?�
�You look good. I wonder what happened last night?�
�Something good?�
�What good thing?�
�A really good one.�
�Hehe! Sweating is good for your health too, right?� JrNovels.com