Pyo-wol suspected that the two people in front of him were one of them.
The sight of Yul Ayeon reminded him of Um Soso.
Um Soso�s eyes were just as blue as Yul Ayeon. The only difference was that Yul Ayeon�s eyes were much bluer. It was as if blue jewels were embedded in her pupils.
If she went outside, she would cause a scene. In fact, even now, many people in the restaurant were stealing glances at her.
Her exotic beauty had mesmerized them. However, they didn�t dare to approach her because they felt that Tarha�s aura around her was unnerving.
That�s when it happened.
Suddenly, with a loud bang, the door of the inn flew open. A group of people rushed into the inn.
�Isn�t that�?�
The guests inside the inn were shocked to see the uninvited guests who had barged in.
More than ten strong men came into the inn. All of them were wearing red bandanas on their heads, which indicated that they belonged to the Red Bandana Association.�
However, their aura was distinctly different from that of ordinary workers.
The man at the forefront especially had a unique atmosphere.
His huge figure was reminiscent of a whale, and his beaky eyes were like a tiger. His lips were also thick like a catfish, which made his impression very strong.
People immediately recognized him.
�That�s Yoo Cheolgwang of the Red Bandana Association.�
�Why is he here?�
�No way?�
People�s gazes naturally shifted to Pyo-wol.
As if to prove their suspicions, Yoo Cheolgwang walked straight towards Pyo-wol.
Yoo Cheolgwang licked his thick lips, which was similar to a catfish.
It was a habit of his when he saw something that intrigued him.
Yoo Cheolgwang�s eyes were fixed on Pyo-wol.
Black hair that hung down to his shoulders, white skin that was as flawless as a woman�s, and red lips like that of blood.
Pyo-wol looked nothing like how a man could possibly look like.
The moment he saw Pyo-wol, Yoo Cheolgwang felt a strong sexual desire.
Yoo Cheolgwang was famous in Haimen for his sodomy.
He felt a strong desire for men, and not women. The more beautiful the man was, the more he became aroused.�