�There�s no way those guys woiuld stand a chance against the Mara Sect.�2
�The Mara Sect?�
It was a name Pyo-wol had never heard of before.�
Well, at least among the factions Pyo-wol knew in Jianghu, not one have used such a name.�
�Could it be a sect from the Western Region?�
Since Tarha and Yul Ayeon said they were from the Western Region, the thought seemed possible.
Pyo-wol does not know the name of all sects that exists in the world, especially those from the remote regions where information was limited.
Tarha�s martial arts were shocking.
It wasn�t simply because of his Rebound Force Qi.�
Everything that exists has a purpose.
The same was true for martial arts.
Every martial art has its own purpose and it develops in a direction that aligns with that purpose.
In the case of the Buddhist martial arts, such as those of the Shaolin Temple, they developed their martial arts in such a way that they would be capable of subduing people without hurting them.�
This doesn�t mean their techniques don�t have the power to kill, but at least they give their opponents a handful of mercy.�
It was for this exact reason that punch and palm strikes are the mainstays of the Shaolin Temple�s martial arts. The idea is to avoid using blades with high lethality as much as possible.
Conversely, some martial arts focused on maximizing lethality. This was often the case for martial artists who pursued the use of poison or demonic arts.�
As such, martial arts naturally developed in different directions based on their respective orientations.
And from what Pyo-wol had seen just now, Tarha�s martial arts seemed to have been created with only one purpose.�
His martial art was meticulously designed to thoroughly destroy the human body.
Despite having fought numerous martial artists before, Pyo-wol had never encountered a martial art that was created with only one purpose in mind.
While Yoo Il-seok had dreamed of becoming the king of Haimen, in the end he was nothing more than a leader of a small region.�
Tarha, on the other hand, possessed the skills to dream of ruling the world.
He was on par with the Eight Constellations, or perhaps even surpassed them in terms of destructive power.
Pyo-wol realized once again just how vast the world was.
Jianghu is not the entirety of the world. There existed a wider world beyond, filled with numerous powerful individuals.
Tarha was proof of that.
At that moment, Yul Ayeon looked at Pyo-wol and said, JrNovels.com