�More or less. The war should have ended a little earlier, but it dragged on for some reason. That�s why the region became even more devastated and desolate.�
�That�s unfortunate.�
�It�s truly a tragedy. Many people in the West have suffered because of it, unlike here where it�s so peaceful.�
�Well, to me, the Central Plains doesn�t seem particularly different.�
�Is that so?�
Tarha looked at Pyowol, surprised at his unexpected response.
�It�s only peaceful on the outside.�
�Just appearing peaceful on the surface is enough. If the Western Region was only this peaceful, then I wouldn�t have come all the way here.�
Tarha smiled bitterly.
After a moment of thought, Pyo-wol asked.
�When did the civil war start in the Western Region?�
�It�s been over several decades. In fact, civil wars are actually quite common in the West. With so many tribes and kingdoms, there�s no shortage of clashes and territorial battles. But I swear this is the first time I�ve ever seen a civil war go on for so long without any hint of resolution.�
�So why did you come all the way here? If the civil war is that bad and serious, shouldn�t you be there to fix it?�
�Because the root cause lies elsewhere.�
At that moment, Yul Ayeon�s voice snapped Tarha out of his reverie. Only then did Tarha realize his mistake and composed himself.
�Forget that last one.�
�As I get older, I tend to indulge in pointless musings more often. I sometimes wonder if that�s why they say people should die when they�re old.�
Tarha brought his drink to his mouth.
Yul Ayeon smoothly changed the subject.
�By any chance, is there anything worth seeing that you could recommend?�
�Not really��
�Really? That�s a shame.�
�I don�t know this place much either.�
�Well, it can�t be helped.�
Despite Yul Ayeon�s words, she didn�t show the slightest hint of disappointment at all.