He was determined not to move until he heard Pyo-wol�s answer.
Pyo-wol stared at him for a moment, then spoke,�
�Let�s make a deal.�
�A deal?�
Finally, Tae Musang lifted his head and looked at Pyo-wol.
�Yes, a deal.�
* * *
Jin Yoo-gun had white-grayish hair from birth. He often became the target of ridicule when he was young because of this characteristic.
His peers would tease him by calling him grandpa or old man, and he would cry a lot because he was weak at heart.�
But now, there was not a single person who would dare to say such things to him.
Of course, occasionally,� there would be a few ignorant individuals who would mock him for his white hair, but they all ended up regretting it without exception.
He had only been taken advantage of when he was younger because he had been naive and helpless, but now that he was older, it was different.
He was no longer innocent or weak.
At the very least, there was no one he couldn�t kill if he set his mind to it.
Jin Yoo-gun sat in the courtyard of a small manor far from the harbor. He was surrounded by martial artists who had sailed with him.
Only when an hour had passed did Jin Yoo-gun make his move.
As he rose to his feet, he murmured,
�Hwa-pyung hasn�t returned yet. Something must have gone wrong.�
Hwa-pyung was the name of the man who had been sent to track down the audacious little brat who had been spying on them at the harbor.
Hwa-pyung was among the few men whom Jin Yoo-gun could trust and rely on. Hwa-pyung was so trustworthy that he never once failed to carry out Jin Yoo-gun�s orders.
But, the said man had not yet returned for nearly three hours.
This fact meant one of two things.
�He is either dead, or he�s immobilized.�
Either way, this was not good news for Jin Yoo-gun.
Jin Yoo-gun gave an order to the subordinate right beside him.
�There must be a trace left by Hwa-pyung. Track them. Find out everything you can about who was involved, and report back in detail.�
�You want a report?�
�If Hwa-pyung is truly dead, then you wouldn�t be able to handle it alone. So just report it, and I�ll deal with it.�