That path led to the residential area west of Haimen.�
Pyo-wol asked Tae Musang.
�Who usually lives there?�
�Oh, that�s the neighborhood where many people who work at the port live. The people there are slightly higher-ranking than the laborers.�
�Are you referring to the middle managers?�
�That�s right, those bastards! You don�t know how much they look down on laborers and orphans like me. That�s why we don�t usually go over there.�
�They�re such assholes.�
Sparks seemed to fly out of Tae Musang�s eyes as he glared at the residential area. Judging by his reaction, he had probably been humiliated or beaten up there before.
�If it�s that place, then they can move around without attracting people�s attention anywhere in Haimen.�
Although Pyo-wol didn�t know much about the people living in the residential areas, from his perspective, that location appeared to be in the center of everything.
If he were to carry out any activities in Haimen, he would undoubtedly utilize that place as a base.
Seizing the opportunity, Pyo-wol moved towards the residential area.
Even in broad daylight, the residential area was quiet.�
Tae Musang quickly explained the reason for such an atmosphere,�
�It�s because they stay and work at the harbor a lot.�
It�s hard for a single individual to make a living here alone, so men working at the port would assign household chores to their wives. It was a convenient job that required less effort but provided ample income.
As a result, there were hardly any people at home during this time.
Pyo-wol thought it was just as well.
He walked around with his senses heightened, thinking that if there were any movement, even the slightest, he would surely notice it.
However, despite thoroughly searching through the entire residential area, he didn�t sense any significant activity.
�They are either completely inactive and resting or hiding underground where they can�t be detected.�
Pyo-wol glanced around at the residential area once again.
The residential area was quite large. It would require considerable effort to search it properly.
It was then.�
Unfamiliar people emerged from the other side of the alleyway.
They appeared to be residents of the residential area.
Drawing attention from them would not bid them well, so,�