�He asked me to wait for you. He told me to bring you to the operation site when you arrived.�
�I see.�
Doyeop�s expression finally relaxed.
He had been misled into thinking he had been abandoned.
�Let�s go.�
The two hurried to leave the mansion. But at that moment, Doyeop�s companion�s expression changed.�
�Someone�s following us.�
�What? That can�t be true.�
Doyeop turned back in disbelief.
There, on top of the fence, stood a black silhouette watching them.
A pitch-black cloak fluttered in the wind, with a stark white face standing out.
He was Pyo-wol.
�Who are you?�
�Who are you!?�
Doyeop and his companion shouted at the same time.�
But, Pyo-wol didn�t answer. He just scanned the exterior of the mansion.
�So this is the place.�
The mansion they had chosen as their hideout had unusually thick walls.
The owner had built the walls thicker than the other mansions, with the intention of making it sturdy. Because of that, even Pyowol�s senses couldn�t detect the movements of the people inside.
Doyeop couldn�t believe that he had been successfully followed.
�So it wasn�t just one person. Then, was the old man just a distraction?�
He gritted his teeth.
He couldn�t stand the thought of being toyed around by Pyo-wol.
Doyeop�s companion shouted.
He rushed towards Pyo-wol at a frightening speed.
Doyeop, who had come to his senses late, joined in.
In the blink of an eye, they reduced the distance between them and Pyo-wol.�