If Tarha was a massive bear, then Jin Yoo-gun�s subordinates were nothing more than hunting dogs.�
The longer they stalled, the more certain their deaths would be. Yet, they continue to fight against Tarha without a shred of fear.
They knew they couldn�t defeat Tarha, but at the very least, they could delay him by holding onto his ankles.
Tarha�s yellow beard trembled.�
He couldn�t believe what he was seeing right now.
Every human, regardless of who they were, yearned to live.�
It was one of the inherent attributes of life.
No matter how prepared a person may be for death when they are actually faced with it, they naturally couldn�t help but feel overwhelmed.�
However, such fear couldn�t be seen in front of Jin Yoo-gun�s subordinates� eyes.�
It was as if the emotion of fear had been castrated.
�Who on earth are these people?�
While Tarha was fuming, Jin Yoo-gun and his subordinates had already disappeared into the distance.
As if to take out his anger, Tarha unleashed a series of Asura�s Golden Emperor Fist at the martial artists holding his ankles.
The left-behind members of the Phantom Fleet screamed as they collapsed on the ground.�
Jin Yoo-gun could clearly hear their dying screams even from a distance.
His brow twitched.
Even if he was the most single-minded person in the world, it would be impossible for him to remain aloof while listening to the screams of his subordinates.�
However, the mission took precedence over their lives.
Jin Yoo-gun sprinted on, trying to maintain an impassive expression.
It didn�t take long before a harbor appeared in front of him.
Jin Yoo-gun jumped onto the fastest-looking ship among those anchored in the harbor. As soon as he stepped aboard, his subordinates raised the anchor and prepared to set sail.
�Let�s depart!�
In an instant, they left the harbor.
Jin Yoo-gun let out a sigh of relief.
The tension he had been feeling had finally been released.�
Maybe that�s why he failed to notice the small boat quietly following their trail. JrNovels.com