The stairs leading downward were even darker, and there was a nauseating stench permeating in the air, making her head throb.
The smell seemed like a mixture of rotten fish and feces.
Just breathing the air made her want to vomit.
Yul Ayeon forced herself to suppress the urge to retch and cautiously descended the stairs.
The moment Yul Ayeon arrived in the unknown space below the stairs, her eyes widened involuntarily.
�Oh my god!�
The underground space was filled with cells surrounded by iron bars. Each cell had numerous people trapped inside.
The people trapped inside looked like animals. They were naked, wounded, as they were crammed into narrow cages. Their appearances and races were diverse as if they had been captured from various places.
While these people had their eyes closed, despair was evident in their figures. It was as if they had lost all hope.
�This can�t be happening!�
Yul Ayeon�s shoulders trembled.
She had never witnessed such a horrific sight before.
The shock she felt was even greater because it was her first time seeing humans treating fellow humans like animals.�
It didn�t take long for Yul Ayeon to find herself having a strong sense of hatred for Jin Yoo-gun and his crew for having committed such an inhumane act.
She clenched her teeth and stepped further inside.
The deeper she went, the worse the stench became, and the condition of the trapped people grew more wretched.
Many of them were huddled, wandering in their distress, and the floor was covered in their own excrement.
Under normal circumstances, Yul Ayeon would never have come to a place like this. But, she was so consumed with anger right now that she didn�t even notice that her clothes were getting dirty.
At that moment, a loud groan came from the front.
Yul Ayeon immediately hid behind a nearby cage and peeked to see where the sound was coming from.�
Her gaze soon landed upon Jin Yoo-gun, who stood with his crew members.
All of their clothes were stained with red blood.
Yul Ayeon quickly realized why.
It was because a man had turned into a human beast in front of them.
He was the man who had stolen the dagger and escaped. Upon being captured, he was brought here and subjected to brutal torture.
�K�kill� me�!�
The man pleaded, barely lifting his head.
Jin Yoo-gun squatted down and locked eyes with the man.