�Why are you on this ship? Are you related to the Kowloon Assassin Guild?�
Gao Shin-ok cackled involuntarily.
He had been caught off guard by Pyo-wol.
But, Go Shin-ok�s face immediately hardened.
�How much do you know?�
�I know enough.�
Go Shin-ok stared into Pyo-wol�s eyes.
He would oftentimes be able to read a person�s thoughts just by looking at their eyes, but he couldn�t tell what Pyo-wol was thinking at all.
Pyo-wol had always been like that.
Even when everyone else was lost and adrift in the underground cave, Pyo-wol seemed able to see through everything without a hint of hesitation and prepared for it.
Although they breathed the same air in the same space, it would always feel as if Pyo-wol was living in a different realm altogether.
Pyo-wol was truly an enigmatic person.�
In front of those emotionless eyes, it seemed impossible for any secret in the world to be kept perfectly.
�How did you find out? There are hardly anyone in Jianghu who know that name.�
�I happened to find out by accident.�
�By accident? Ha! Don�t joke around. The Kowloon Assassin Guild isn�t so easily penetrable as to be discovered by chance.�
�It�s not easily penetrable, but it�s not perfect either.�
Pyo-wol shrugged his shoulders.
Every action of Pyo-wol irked Go Shin-ok.�
From his smallest movements to even his breathing.
Everything about Pyo-wol irritated Go Shin-ok.
But this is also part of Pyo-wol�s plans.�
Pyo-wol didn�t even consider the fact that the Phantom Fleet might be connected to the Kowloon Assassin Guild. He just had a feeling that something was amiss, so he tried to bring it up, and it just so happens that Go Shin-ok reacted more strongly than Pyo-wol expected.
Now, Pyo-wol needs to provoke Go Shin-ok as much as possible to uncover more truths.
�I�ve always wondered. Where exactly does the Kowloon Assassin Guild gets its martial artists from? To raise such well-disciplined warriors, practical experience is essential. But as you know, Jianghu has been peaceful for the past few decades. So as a result, most of the martial artists in Jianghu currently lack a sense of danger. But the martial artists of the Kowloon Assassin Guild are different. They all seemed to be sharpened to the bone.�
�Go on.�
�So that just means that those martial artists experienced real battles somewhere. Intense battles, to be exact� So I�ve been thinking, if there�s no such place in Jianghu, then it must be outside, right? The most representative place would be outside the Central Plains, such as in the Western Region. A place where civil wars have lasted for a long time, with countless people constantly dying.�