They had obliterated all the evidence and even resorted to shooting cannons at the ship their colleagues were on.
There was no way such meticulous individuals would leave traces for pursuit.�
Moreover, it was impossible to track them when they were hiding in the sea, and not on land.
It was not Pyo-wol�s approach to waste time on an impossible task.
He preferred to focus on tasks that had a chance of success, on what was possible.
As such, he�d put the idea of tracking down the Phantom Fleet to rest.
�They will come to find me when the time is right.�
Even now, Pyo-wol can�t forget how the Phantom Fleet�s leader looked at him.
There were only a handful of martial artists in Jianghu who could show off their skills over a distance of three hundred meters.�
Pyo-wol didn�t think that such individuals would stay on the sea forever. As humans, it was certain that they would eventually come ashore.
Pyo-wol had a feeling that fate would bring them together, even without him actively seeking them out.
Tarha asked,�
�What about the Kowloon Assassin Guild? Will you continue tracking them as well?�
�Why stop tracking them after all this time?�
�I feel like there are limitations to tracking them this way. It would be much more efficient to make them come to me.�
�Hmm� That makes sense.�
Tarha nodded.�
This time it was Pyo-wol who asked,
�How about you? What are you guys going to do now? Are you going back to the Western Region?�
�We originally planned to do so, but we changed our mind. If we go back like this without eliminating the root cause, which is the Phantom Fleet, the turmoil in the Western Region will continue. It would be better to stay here and try to grasp their movements.�
�You�re going to stay here?�
�I intend to take this opportunity to establish a base here. Fortunately, the factions that dominate this place are weaker than expected.�
Having already partially seized the Red Bandana Association, the only remaining obstacle was the Sea Dragon Sect.
Although the Sea Dragon Sect is said to be the ruler of Haimen, since they have no absolute experts, it would be easy to suppress them with Tarha�s martial arts.
Some might see Tarha�s actions as an invasion of the West to take control of Jianghu, and perhaps, that was truly their intention, but Pyo-wol didn�t care.
All that mattered was that Tarha and Yul Ayeon would take control of Haimen, and if that happened, it would somehow benefit Pyo-wol as well.�
�This place is where trading with the Western Region is most active. If we control such a place, we will surely be able to capture the movements of the Phantom Fleet at some point.�