Chapter: 1813
He didn�t have a specific destination in mind.

For the time being, he planned to just roam around the world wherever his feet take him.�

Although he was in conflict with the Kowloon Assassin Guild, he had no intention of wasting his youth and all his time chasing after them.

They were the ones who were in a hurry, not him.

As long as Pyo-wol continue acting like a thorn in their side, they would come for him one day to get rid of him. So while waiting for that time, he decided to travel around and explore the world.�

If he travels around the world, he knew that his horizons would naturally expand, and he might unexpectedly obtain crucial clues.�

Leaving Haimen, Pyo-wol arrived at Lake Tai.1

It was a huge lake located a few hundred li south of Haimen.

Anyone arriving at Lake Tai for the first time would mistake it for the sea due to its vastness. Pyo-wol would have made the same mistake if he hadn�t heard about Lake Tai before leaving Haimen.�

There were forty-eight large and small islands in the lake, and seventy-two mountain peaks surrounding the islands and lake.

The scenic beauty and abundant aquatic resources led to the development of seafood cuisine. Numerous restaurants lined the lakeside, attracting visitors in search of gastronomic delights. Lake Tai is a favorite destination for gourmet visitors and food enthusiasts.

Lake Tai is also the first place where foreign and exotic goods entering through Haimen were unloaded and unpacked. Due to these circumstances, the people of Lake Tai had much more sophisticated and refined attire and accessories compared to the residents of the other regions.

Upon entering Lake Tai, Pyo-wol immediately changed the color of his Black Dragon Robe to brilliant crimson color. That way, he would be less conspicuous in the eyes of the people.

However, it was impossible to completely avoid drawing attention. His splendid appearance inevitably caught people�s eyes wherever she went.

Nevertheless, since his face and clothes exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, people hesitated in approaching him casually.�

Pyo-wol strolled through the bustling streets while riding his horse.

There were countless stalls lining the streets.

There were some stalls selling fabric, as well as stalls selling jewelry, but the most common stalls were those selling food.

Freshly prepared dishes made from fish caught directly in Lake Tai were truly exquisite. The delicious aroma wafting from each stall enticed every passerby.�

Among them, Pyo-wol headed towards a stall run by an elderly woman.

Despite her bent back and a face full of wrinkles that hadn�t been able to withstand the passage of time, the old woman had a radiant smile on her face.

As Pyo-wol approached and tied his horse to one side, the old woman greeted him.

�Welcome! Have a seat.�

Nodding his head, Pyo-wol took a seat as the old woman immediately started preparing the food.

The dish the old woman was preparing was Aozao Noodles.2�

It was a noodle dish with duck meat as the main ingredient, commonly eaten in the neighboring Kunshan region.�

Since the stall only sold one type of noodle dish, so they didn�t ask any of their customers what they wanted to eat. They simply made the food.

Pyo-wol looked at the old woman without speaking.

The old woman quickly whipped up a bowl of Aozao Noodles.�

�It tastes better when eaten before the dish cools down.�