�Do Yeonsan! I�m Do Yeonsan, a blacksmith apprentice at Cheolsan Workshop.�
�Cheolsan Workshop?�
�Yes! We carry the legacy and vision of the Tang clan.�
Upon hearing Do Yeonsan�s confident words, Pyo-wol became intrigued.�
�You�re carrying on the legacy of the Tang clan?�
�But the place where the Tang clan existed is far beyond a distance of four thousand li from here. Are you really claiming to have carried on the legacy?�
�Our clan leader is a direct descendant of the Tang clan, so fortunately, we were able to carry and pass on the legacy.�
�Yes! Since the clan leader said so himself, it must be true.�
�Then, is this item also made based on the Tang clan�s legacy?�
�Yes! It was made using the method taught by our clan leader.��
Do Yeonsan nodded.
Pyo-wol carefully observed Do Yeonsan�s face.
Although Do Yeonsan was in his late teens, his eyes looked excessively dreary. Looking into his deep sunken eyes, there was a hint of madness in them.
Do Yeonsan�s appearance reminded Pyo-wol of Tang Sochu.
Pyo-wol had felt and noticed the same thing when he first met Tang Sochu.
The two of them naturally possessed and exhibit that particular madness only geniuses who are deeply immersed in their respective field have.�
Pyo-wol asked to Do Yeonsan,
�Can I see more of the items you�ve made?�
Do Yeonsan brought out several items.
There were sabers, swords, and even daggers of various kinds. But none of them matched the uniqueness of the cow hair needle that Pyo-wol was holding.
It was a well-known fact that the smaller the object, the greater the attention to detail and concentration required. Therefore, most artisans found it more challenging to create small objects.�
However, Do Yeonsan was the opposite.
His concentration level seemed to increase when creating small, and lightweight weapons.
Even the way he made the cow hair needle also seemed different from the Tang clan�s vision. JrNovels.com