Only after the man had disappeared entirely did Do Yeonsan wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.
Red blood stained his sleeve.
His head was still throbbing from the shock, but Do Yeonsan tried to force a smile.
�I showed a customer an unpleasant sight. I apologize.�
�That man seems to hold a high position.�
�He is Young Master Tang Ik-gi of the Cheolsan Workshop.�
�Young master? Then is he the son of the owner?�
�Yes. He tends to be a little selfish, but he�s not a bad person.�
Do Yeonsan made an effort to defend him. But, contrary to his words, his eyes were shining coldly.
* * *
Pyo-wol left the Cheolsan Workshop and returned to the inn.�
The streets were lit up with red lanterns as darkness descended. The shops that had been open for business during the day had closed, and brothels and pubs had taken their place.
As night fell, more people came out onto the streets.
The nearby soju tavern, known as Sexiang, was right around the corner.�
Just like the taverns in Lake Tai, Sexiang was famous for its liquor.
Enjoying the fresh fish dishes made from the fish caught in Lake Tai, accompanied by music, alcohol, and courtesans, was an essential path that any hedonist had to take.
Even today, the streets of Lake Tai were packed with pleasure-seekers, talking about courtesans.�
�Hehehe! Let�s go to Donghae Pavilion today. The new prostitute there is so amazing.�
�Donghae Pavilion? I�d rather go to Seochang Pavilion. That�s where the best courtesans in Lake Tai can be found.�
People who were somewhat intoxicated were boasting to each other about how the brothel they knew was the best.
The streets were full of such people.�
A city where people become drunk on alcohol and women.
This was precisely the place.
Amidst it all, it seemed like Pyo-wol was the only one walking to his lodgings with a clear mind.�
Pyo-wol didn�t even bother to look anywhere else. He just headed straight to the inn he had booked.
The name of the inn he was staying at was Lake Tai�s First Pavilion.�
It was an inn beloved by countless revelers because they could see a panoramic view of Lake Tai when the windows were open.
Lake Tai�s First Pavilion was also crowded with drunkards.
There were no empty seats on the first floor.